Why go through all this effort to just replicate what's already available in
the PDF, to an html format?

What a website can give, and a book can't, is tutorials, short tips, FAQs,
discussions etc. Something the wiki could provide if it were open to public
editing (or the newly created http://webtopy.org/community/ if it gets
comunity support).

An online version of the book is, to me, just a bad idea: it won't give any
extra benefit in relation to the pdf and it will negatively affect the book
sales (which might be important).

Just my 2 cent.
Best Regards,

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:39 PM, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 3, 8:58 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > Denes is right.
> Hi Massimo,
> Well,  more specifically then:
> 1. Do you agree that it's a good idea to use the current book to make
> an online book?  If not, let's forget it.
> 2. Do you have an opinion on what form the online book should take?
> e.g. Djanjo, Cakephp, Php.net manual with comments...
> 3. Income. Will the online book project negatively affects the income
> from the book. To make sure that this does not lead to a problem,  I
> propose that you make a suggestion as to how this may be compensated.
> I suggest alternatives might include adsense,  a subscription model,
> and donations, etc for access to all the update notes.  Of course,
> even If the online book became the main place for the documentation to
> be updated,  you could still sell the paper version. This would be
> something for you to decide / accept.
> 4. What format should we use for the text?  (Markdown, please?)
> 5 .It is important for the domain to belong to Web2py/Massimo.  May I
> suggest book.web2py.com?
> 6. No one will take the online book project seriously unless we also
> think about the roles we would need to fill. There are people in this
> community with much greater project expertise than I,  so please feel
> free to dismiss the following.  I am only making suggestions. e.g.
> - Model Designer.  It is crucial that the data is saved in the most
> logical way for the future.  This shouldn't be trusted to someone like
> me!  I vote for you (Massimo),  if you have time.  Part of my
> reasoning is that you know how to design a workable versioning
> system :-)
> - Project Manager.  Allocate tasks (and fire people!),  supervise,
> coordinate timeline.
> - Programmers for controllers and views.  Maybe split this into two:
> Admin and Enduser.
> - Html, CSS and JQuery effects (optional extra, can come later)
> - Data Loaders to copy and paste the sections of the book.  I think
> I'd be good at this one,  if the project manager would have me!
> Sorry to ask/make these specific questions/suggestions,  but without
> your support (Massimo),  let's be realistic,  a community effort to
> produce and support the online book project probably isn't going to
> happen.
> Thanks for listening.
> --D
> --
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