> The "call it twice" might cause by the "caveat" mentioned in python
> document of reload(), quoted below. But honestly speaking, it sounds
> complicated, I don't quite understand it, and not gonna understand it
> either as long as I do not feel the need for using reload(). :-)

In a highly non-scientific way (aka just try and see what happens...)
I found this works:

utilsmodule = 'applications.%s.modules.utils' % request.application
exec('from %s import doit' % utilsmodule)
    import sys
    exec('from %s import doit' % utilsmodule)

Weird side effect: it shows an empty flash.
I'm only using functions in this module, not classes as you do (which
apparently give problems).
Conclusion: It's all very iffy.

I just tried your modules workaround, and that works just fine.
It doesn't feel right to abuse models for this, but it definitely
makes development life easier.

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