On Aug18, 11:37pm, rev <reneversch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some code that are 'helper' functions for a controller.
> Instead of putting this code in the controller I'd like to structure
> things a bit.
> So I placed the functions in modules/utils.py.
> One of the functions is called doit().
> In my controller I added
>   exec('from applications.%s.modules.utils import doit' %
> request.application)
> and now I can call the function from my controller by simply calling
> doit().
> When I make changes to the code in utils.py I have to completely stop
> and start web2py to have the changes take effect.
> For a small change that's ok, but while in heavy development it tends
> to get pretty annoying.
> Is there a way to work around this?
> In another thread it was suggested that reload() would do the trick,
> but I couldn't get that working.
> Cheers,
> rev

Neither me.

Meanwhile my temporary solution is to put my modules inside model
during development phase, and move them back to modules when the code
is finalized. Not a perfect solution but helps a bit.

try: exec("from applications.%s.modules.mymodule import MyStuff" %
except: pass # Assuming it is available as a model

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