On Aug19, 11:26pm, rev <reneversch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Only weird thing I experience is that if I change the code in my
> module I have to call it twice to see any effect.
> Tried with both FF and Opera.
> Still beats restarting the app.

The "call it twice" might cause by the "caveat" mentioned in python
document of reload(), quoted below. But honestly speaking, it sounds
complicated, I don't quite understand it, and not gonna understand it
either as long as I do not feel the need for using reload(). :-)

"There are a number of other caveats: If a module is syntactically
correct but its initialization fails, the first import statement for
it does not bind its name locally, but does store a (partially
initialized) module object in sys.modules. To reload the module you
must first import it again (this will bind the name to the partially
initialized module object) before you can reload() it. "
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