Yea Massimo, thats the point, I don't know if there are really big 
issues and it seems actually there aren't. It's almost a mind question 
to you and big developers, is there any big issue to consider non 
backward? It seems is not by your comments, :-D

El 06/08/2009 7:05, mdipierro escribió:
> To my knowledge there is no issue cannot be solved in a backward
> compatible way.
> Most of the issues that Armin raised about web2py have to do with its
> internal design decisions. These are not bugs to be fixed. These are
> distinctive features of web2py that were thought through before being
> developed and I see no reason to change. Every design decision has
> pros and cons.
> Some of the issues like the "open file issue" do not constitute a bug
> (we have no knowledge of any problem with it) nevertheless this has
> been addressed in trunk already.
> The issues with "" is non-existent. is just a
> variable that contains the localtime when a request arrives. It is a
> variable that you can use in your programs. It is true that by the
> time a request arrives until a request a request ends time passes by,
> by there is no race condition. We simply provide a variable to the
> users to know for sure when the request arrived, the current time is
> in
> The issue with now vs utfnow, althought I dismissed because it would
> break backward compatibility, I should have been more extensive. The
> OS timestamps files using the local time, not utc time. The average
> developer prefers using localtime vs utc time. If you store things in
> database and you have multiple servers over multiple timezones than
> you want to use timestamp records using utc time instead of local
> time. Except in this last case localtime is to be preferred and that
> is why we store in a variable. If you need utf time that is also
> available via the datetime module.
> I am not sure there is any open issue here. Which issue in your
> opinion would need a backward incompatible change? Not that this is
> going to happen.
> Massimo
> On Aug 5, 8:38 pm, Alex Fanjul<>  wrote:
>> Some thoughts and commentaries about major version:
>>    -My question came after thinking in Armin thread
>>    -Most of people seems to be convinced that there is no real reason
>> (big issue) that couldn't be "avoidable enough" to need to realase a non
>> backward compatible major version (so I figure out we have a strong
>> framework in front)
>>    -Only real experience people (not like me) know if there are real
>> motives to consider a non backward compatible major version
>>    -Many people say that web2py is so young to think in "big changes in
>> code", but In case it would be real motives to do a "non backward
>> compatible major version", and due to the youthfulness of the framework,
>> wouldn't be better to do it as soon as possible and not after some years
>> with many more users and applications online?
>>    -In case it would be real motives to do a "non backward compatible
>> major version", wouldn't you prefer to adapt your application in return
>> to have a better framework (maybe more secure, flexible, better writed, etc)
>> These are only (and probably wrong) open thoughts and conjetures, so
>> don't waste time in reply me...
>> Alex F
>> El 04/08/2009 23:08, waTR escribió:
>>> I don't feel it is necessary to re-write anything yet. There is a lot
>>> of good in it as it is. Don't just give up on it when you run into a
>>> few difficulties. We are not talking about anything that won't be
>>> addressed either. It is more of an issue of how it is addressed, and
>>> for all the "weaknesses" in this framework, there are a hell of a lot
>>> more strengths.
>>> Have patience, and don't forget this is a VERY young project. Also,
>>> you may not agree with all the decisions all the time, but then no one
>>> will in any framework. You can't please all the people all the time.
>>> The key is to remember what brought you to this framework, and if that
>>> still stands. All software has weaknesses, the question is whether it
>>> is being dealt with or monitored. If it is, then one day in the near
>>> future it will be addressed, but don't confuse speed of resolving all
>>> problems brought up with quality solutions. Often the best solution
>>> will require a lot of dialogue and a lot of analysis before
>>> implementing.
>>> Also, not breaking backwards compatibility is a great rule to prevent
>>> software from moving too fast. If the software breaks backwards
>>> compatibility with every minor release, no one will use it because it
>>> is not serious. If it breaks with every major release, no serious
>>> project will use it because it would be too expensive to maintain.
>>> Therefore, if all I have to do is use some added code in order to
>>> solve the problem but preserve backward compatibility, then I am all
>>> for it. If you have a small project that you can re-write in a day,
>>> you won't care, but then I would not care about these minor issues if
>>> that is all I needed it for. I am still following this framework
>>> because I believe I can build something serious with it, not just a 5
>>> minute wiki  AND  I know I won't have to re-write everything once a
>>> year. Breaking backwards compatibility is a very serious decision, and
>>> I am very happy Massimo takes it VERY seriously. This attitude is what
>>> will set this framework apart, and will make it deserve the title of
>>> "Enterprise Framework". Otherwise, it is just another framework.
>>> If this project has to break backwards compatibility though, I would
>>> hope it is done at the same time that it transitions to Python 3, as
>>> that would take care of everything all at once. However, there is a
>>> LOT of work to be done in assembling a list of issues and solutions
>>> before that happens. So just be patient, and continue to use the
>>> framework, that is how more issues can be discovered, and solutions
>>> proposed. However, for today, there is no reason for even talking
>>> about breaking backwards compatibility.
>>> On Aug 4, 12:00 pm, Fran<>    wrote:
>>>> On Aug 4, 7:30 pm, Pynthon<>    wrote:
>>>>> Yeah maybe a complete web2py 2 rewrite. With nice and better coding...
>>>> I believe this is a bad idea as we really don't want to break existing
>>>> apps - this is a *key* strength of web2py&    one many of it's adherents
>>>> really value. This is what justifies the term 'Enterprise'.
>>>> Many of the 'issues' are easy to solve without doing so&    the rest are
>>>> pretty much design decisions.
>>>> They are seen as key strengths for some&    key weaknesses for others.
>>>> Let those who see them as strengths enjoy this&    if others cannot live
>>>> with what they see as weaknesses, let them choose from the many other
>>>> frameworks out there.
>>>> F
>> --
>> Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.
> >

Alejandro Fanjul Fdez.

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