On Aug 6, 6:05 am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> The issue with now vs utfnow, althought I dismissed because it would
> break backward compatibility, I should have been more extensive. The
> OS timestamps files using the local time, not utc time. The average
> developer prefers using localtime vs utc time. If you store things in
> database and you have multiple servers over multiple timezones than
> you want to use timestamp records using utc time instead of local
> time. Except in this last case localtime is to be preferred and that
> is why we store in a variable. If you need utf time that is also
> available via the datetime module.

Would you be up for adding an accessible request.utcnow?
I definitely want this & it seems like a standard thing for the
A recipe example would be an OK alternative...a quick play didn't
reveal to me how to convert default=request.now into a utcnow

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