Perhaps we will eventually have a web2py 2.0 in the way which Alex
Fanjul suggests.

Meanwhile, we can take closer look into those "many times" of "due to
backward compatibility" issue, and see what can be adjusted. We did
that before at least for IS_STRONG.

This time, for example, the datetime.utcnow issue can be easily
addressed by a request.utcnow, and keep as is but
obsolete. Oops, problem solved without breaking backward


On Aug5, 1:55am, Alex Fanjul <> wrote:
> Massimo,
> Many times I have seen that, due to backward compatibility, we are
> forcing to write "messy" code in web2py applitacations.
> Evenmore some issues will never fix in the right way bacause of that...
> Won't you consider/planning to do a breakpoint with a major version
> web2py 2.0?  and solve such things?
> Python did it with 3.0, isn't it?
> Only out of curiosity, sorry if it's reduplicate question, regards,
> Alex F

> El 04/08/2009 9:04, mdipierro escribió:
> > Changing now into utcnow would break backward compatibility.
> > I do agree with you that othen people may want to use
> >     Field(....,default=datetime.utcnow())
> > instead of
> >     Field(....,
> > I will add a comment about this in the book.
> > Massimo
> > On Aug 3, 3:22 am, Armin Ronacher<>  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>> True. but I would not call it a race condition. We timestamp
> >>> everything with the time when a request arrives, not when it is
> >>> processed, unless specified otherwise ( instead of
> >>>
> >> True.  But that does not make it a better idea.  Also,
> >> should be consistently replaced with datetime.utcnow() because using
> >> anythign else than UTC data internally is problematic for various
> >> reasons.  See the discussion on that topic in various i18n/l10n
> >> libraries such as babel / pytz.

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