The current topic is - enterprise python
framework || Latest version 1.65.7 || need to paste code use - || Google Groups -
|| To get someone's attention just type their name into the channel/
room || Don't ask to ask - just ask

I tried to get everyone who uses the forums to join a while ago, only
a few did. It's a bit hard for me to answer questions there 24/7 as I
have a full time job which a lot of the times I'm doing 18 hour days
for. But when I do have the time and notice a comment I help out the
best I can. None of this stops you guys from helping out in the IRC
chat though :)

If you need to ask I vital question it's best to post it on the groups
as it gets answered very quickly.

I also hope more uses start to join the IRC so the channel gets better
and more active. It's the reason I started it :)

On Jul 29, 8:39 pm, Bottiger <> wrote:
> I agree that the IRC channel is neglected. When I did benchmarks to
> show that the bundled version of flup does not scale for multicore
> machines and that the prefork version should be used, no one said
> anything. When I mentioned it here, no one has bothered to do anything
> about it. And this is still the case.
> Whoever is controlling the current channel should relinquish command.
> All the links do not work.
> As a side note, mitsuhiko, the person that was in the channel, is
> Armin Ronacher. He is known for making Jinja and Werkzeug (a
> minimalist web framework along the lines of Pylons), that is probably
> why he is trolling #web2py.
> On Jul 29, 6:10 pm, __future__ <> wrote:
> > I have seen this come up in some other thread about people not using
> > IRC much in this community.  Personally, I think this is kind of
> > tragic since I have seen a lot of good information sharing coming out
> > of IRC since I have been using it (since the early 90's).
> > I might not be able to change the preferred behavior of this group but
> > could whoever is "in charge" of the IRC channel at least make an
> > effort to keep it up to date?  The channel topic is a
> > joke.  Except, *none* of the links work:
> >  Topic for #web2py is: python
> > framework || Latest version 1.64.2 || need to paste code use -
> > || Google Groups -|| To get someone's attention just
> > type their name into the channel/room || Don't ask to ask - just ask
> > || IRC Logs:
> >  * Topic for #web2py set by ceej at Thu Jun 18 22:22:46 2009
> > The version is still 1.64.2 and as usual, no one is ever talking in
> > there despite quite a few lurkers...  Oh except for earlier, I was at
> > work, some Django people came into bash on web2py to the few people
> > who actual were in there trying to get web2py help.
> > Ignoring the IRC channel might have unexpected consequences because
> > even though the web2py people might not be using it, others certainly
> > are...
> > __future__
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