I agree that the IRC channel is neglected. When I did benchmarks to
show that the bundled version of flup does not scale for multicore
machines and that the prefork version should be used, no one said
anything. When I mentioned it here, no one has bothered to do anything
about it. And this is still the case.

Whoever is controlling the current channel should relinquish command.
All the links do not work.

As a side note, mitsuhiko, the person that was in the channel, is
Armin Ronacher. He is known for making Jinja and Werkzeug (a
minimalist web framework along the lines of Pylons), that is probably
why he is trolling #web2py.

On Jul 29, 6:10 pm, __future__ <wrigh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have seen this come up in some other thread about people not using
> IRC much in this community.  Personally, I think this is kind of
> tragic since I have seen a lot of good information sharing coming out
> of IRC since I have been using it (since the early 90's).
> I might not be able to change the preferred behavior of this group but
> could whoever is "in charge" of the IRC channel at least make an
> effort to keep it up to date?  The freenode.net channel topic is a
> joke.  Except forwww.web2py.com, *none* of the links work:
>  Topic for #web2py is:http://www.web2py.com- enterprise python
> framework || Latest version 1.64.2 || need to paste code use -http://cj.nu/y
> || Google Groups -http://cj.nu/u|| To get someone's attention just
> type their name into the channel/room || Don't ask to ask - just ask
> || IRC Logs:http://cj.nu/i
>  * Topic for #web2py set by ceej at Thu Jun 18 22:22:46 2009
> The version is still 1.64.2 and as usual, no one is ever talking in
> there despite quite a few lurkers...  Oh except for earlier, I was at
> work, some Django people came into bash on web2py to the few people
> who actual were in there trying to get web2py help.
> Ignoring the IRC channel might have unexpected consequences because
> even though the web2py people might not be using it, others certainly
> are...
> __future__
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