any chance you have a model and a small sample-set of data you could share 
that cause the inconsistencies to be shown?  Just 3 records or so in each 
table that can show the inconsistency?

On Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 7:38:48 AM UTC-5, Vlad wrote:
> Yes, there is always a corresponding record in the second table (doesn't 
> have to be, but I do clean up ownerless carts, so when I am testing things, 
> the corresponding record is always there). 
> Here is the complete creation of the grid (where GetCartsGridLink is the 
> function that now has try/except clause to flip between and 
> def show_carts():
>>     query = db.cart
>>     headers = {'':'ID', 'cart.description':'Name', 
>> 'cart_ownership.boss':'Owner', 'cart_ownership.status':'Status', 
>> 'cart.count':'Items'}
>>     fields = [, db.cart.description, db.cart_ownership.boss, 
>> db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=GetCartsGridLink)]
>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query,
>>                         editable=True,
>>                         details=True,
>>                         create=True,
>>                         links=links,
>>                         fields=fields,
>>                         headers=headers,
>>                         orderby=[~db.cart.created_on],
>>                         left = [db.cart_ownership.on(
>> ==db.cart_ownership.cart)],
>>                         formname='carts_grid',
>>               ,
>>                         )
>>     return grid
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 11:12 PM Jim Steil < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> I will take a look tomorrow to see if I can code something up to 
>> reproduce the error.
>> Which tackle are you setting as the 'primary' table, by that I mean what 
>> field are you specifying in the field_id parameter?  And, is there ALWAYS a 
>> matching record in the secondary table? 
>> Oh, just thought of another thing. How about specifying in 
>> fields=[], and the also specifying it in hidden_fields=[]?
>> Jim
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020, 9:50 PM Eliezer (Vlad) Tseytkin < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Jom, you said " I'm having trouble understanding why you need the 
>>> try/except" - this is exactly the trouble I'm having too :) 
>>> I do use the left join. So I should simply specify the table name - 
>>> correct?
>>> Well, if I do - then the grid itself works fine, but once I click "view" 
>>> or "edit"  - it crashes. To fix that crash, I must specify try/except 
>>> clause in the function used by the "links". WIthout that try/except the 
>>> actions of view and edit don' work! 
>>> That's exactly what I am saying - with the left join, the grid expects 
>>> the table name, but the view/edit actions of this grid expect no table name 
>>> and in fact crash when the table name is there.  
>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 10:38 PM Jim S < <javascript:>> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm having trouble understanding why you need the try/except.  To me it 
>>>> seems like "if you specify a left" -> you need to use the table name.  "if 
>>>> you don't specify a left" -> omit the table name
>>>> Do you have an occasion where sometimes different rows in the same grid 
>>>> require you to specify the field differently?
>>>> -Jim
>>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 9:30:28 PM UTC-5, Vlad wrote:
>>>>> But shouldn't it be the same for the grid and for the record of the 
>>>>> grid? The difference confuses me - having to specify the table should be 
>>>>> consistent when I use the grid for all the transactions of the 
>>>>> grid, including view/edit etc.. 
>>>>> In other words, having to specify the table is perfectly fine - but it 
>>>>> should be consistent and I should as well specify the table for the 
>>>>> view/edit action of the grid record. Different structures for the gird 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> fo the record of the grid seems inconsistent to me.It took me time to 
>>>>> figure this out - now that I know how this works, I simply have the 
>>>>> try/except to solve it - this makes practical sense, as it solves the 
>>>>> problem, but it makes no logical sense. Do you know what I mean? Anybody 
>>>>> who encounters such a situation will presumably be messed up and have to 
>>>>> spend time figuring out what's going on. 
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 10:22 PM Jim Steil <> wrote:
>>>>>> I think that is a result of having a left join specified.  With the 
>>>>>> left join you now have to specify which table the field is in as well.
>>>>>> Or, am I missing something?
>>>>>> -Jim
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 9:13 PM Eliezer (Vlad) Tseytkin <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jim, 
>>>>>>> Thank you for the suggestions. 
>>>>>>> I do specify field_id (it wasn't there in the simplified code, but 
>>>>>>> the complete code does have it). 
>>>>>>> When I use a function, instead of the lambda, I indeed can have a 
>>>>>>> solution, but at the same time it emphasizes that something is wrong: 
>>>>>>> The links are now presented as such: 
>>>>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=GetCartsGridLink)]
>>>>>>> And the GetCarrsGridLink function as follows: 
>>>>>>> def GetCartsGridLink(row):
>>>>>>>>     id = None
>>>>>>>>     try:
>>>>>>>>       id = # this works for the grid itself
>>>>>>>>     except:
>>>>>>>>       id = # this works for the view/edit of a record of 
>>>>>>>> the grid
>>>>>>>>     result = A(id,
>>>>>>>>                _href=URL('manage', 'view_cart', args=id, 
>>>>>>>> user_signature=True),
>>>>>>>>                _target='blank')
>>>>>>>>     return result
>>>>>>> It does solve the problem, because try/except takes care of it, 
>>>>>>> setting up the id based on the context. 
>>>>>>> I feel there is something wrong with the very necessity of having to 
>>>>>>> use try/except here. Why would it use different structures in the grid 
>>>>>>> itself vs. view/edit a row of the grid??? 
>>>>>>> The problem has been solved, but the mystery remains. I am still 
>>>>>>> missing something about it...  
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 4:48 PM Jim S <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have a couple of ideas, but none are tested
>>>>>>>> First, can you try adding the field_id parameter to your 
>>>>>>>> SQLFORM.grid() call?  I believe that tells this grid which is your 
>>>>>>>> 'primary' table.
>>>>>>>> Secondly (this is the way I typically handle it) - instead of 
>>>>>>>> coding everything in a lambda, call a function to build your buttons 
>>>>>>>> and 
>>>>>>>> just pass it the id of the row.  Then, in your function you can 
>>>>>>>> retrieve 
>>>>>>>> the entire row and get all the data you need even if it isn't included 
>>>>>>>> in 
>>>>>>>> the grid fields.
>>>>>>>> Not sure that completely addresses your concern, but if you run 
>>>>>>>> through those ideas it might help you onto a solution.
>>>>>>>> -Jim
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 1:44:41 PM UTC-5, Vlad wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Seems to me this is an inconsistency in the way how grid operates 
>>>>>>>>> (which breaks it, as I show below, but, of course, most probably I am 
>>>>>>>>> just 
>>>>>>>>> missing something.)
>>>>>>>>> The following code crashes: 
>>>>>>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>>>>>>     fields = []
>>>>>>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(* 
>>>>>>>>> <>*))]
>>>>>>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, editable=True, details=True, 
>>>>>>>>> links=links, fields=fields)
>>>>>>>>> This is because row.cart is undefined in the links. Instead, the 
>>>>>>>>> links should be made as such: 
>>>>>>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(* 
>>>>>>>>> <>*))]
>>>>>>>>> Now this works. 
>>>>>>>>> However, when I add more fields in the code, like this: 
>>>>>>>>>     fields = [, db.cart.description, 
>>>>>>>>> db.cart_ownership.boss, db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>>>>>>> Now in the links I can't use "". It must be ""
>>>>>>>>> This by itself would be fine, I could just use * 
>>>>>>>>> <>* or * <>* 
>>>>>>>>> accordingly, depending on the fields used (though I would like to 
>>>>>>>>> control 
>>>>>>>>> this structure), but I am having the following problem further on: 
>>>>>>>>> The grid described by the code
>>>>>>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>>>>>>     fields = [, db.cart.description, 
>>>>>>>>> db.cart_ownership.boss, db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>>>>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(
>>>>>>>>> ))]
>>>>>>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, editable=True, details=True, 
>>>>>>>>> links=links, fields=fields)
>>>>>>>>> crashes when I try to view or edit a row of the grid. This is 
>>>>>>>>> because the links takes in the grid itself, but 
>>>>>>>>> expects in edit- or view- actions (i.e. when editing or 
>>>>>>>>> viewing a row). When viewing or editing a row, row.cart is undefined 
>>>>>>>>> in the 
>>>>>>>>> links, so crashes it (when "view" or "edit" buttons 
>>>>>>>>> are clicked), while in the grid itself works just 
>>>>>>>>> fine (and would not work). 
>>>>>>>>> What am I missing here? How do I control how this field should be 
>>>>>>>>> expected in the links in the grid vs. in the view/edit a row of the 
>>>>>>>>> grid? 
>>>>>>>>> Here is still simplified but more complete code, in case I missed 
>>>>>>>>> something important in a "shortcut" code above: 
>>>>>>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>>>>>>     fields = [, db.cart.description, 
>>>>>>>>> db.cart_ownership.boss, db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>>>>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(
>>>>>>>>> ))]
>>>>>>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query,
>>>>>>>>>                         editable=True,
>>>>>>>>>                         details=True,
>>>>>>>>>                         links=links,
>>>>>>>>>                         fields=fields,
>>>>>>>>>                         left = [db.cart_ownership.on(
>>>>>>>>> ==db.cart_ownership.cart)],
>>>>>>>>>               ,
>>>>>>>>>                         )
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