But shouldn't it be the same for the grid and for the record of the grid?
The difference confuses me - having to specify the table should be
consistent when I use the grid for all the transactions of the
grid, including view/edit etc..

In other words, having to specify the table is perfectly fine - but it
should be consistent and I should as well specify the table for the
view/edit action of the grid record. Different structures for the gird and
fo the record of the grid seems inconsistent to me.It took me time to
figure this out - now that I know how this works, I simply have the
try/except to solve it - this makes practical sense, as it solves the
problem, but it makes no logical sense. Do you know what I mean? Anybody
who encounters such a situation will presumably be messed up and have to
spend time figuring out what's going on.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 10:22 PM Jim Steil <ato.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think that is a result of having a left join specified.  With the left
> join you now have to specify which table the field is in as well.
> Or, am I missing something?
> -Jim
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 9:13 PM Eliezer (Vlad) Tseytkin <
> westgate6...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jim,
>> Thank you for the suggestions.
>> I do specify field_id (it wasn't there in the simplified code, but the
>> complete code does have it).
>> When I use a function, instead of the lambda, I indeed can have a
>> solution, but at the same time it emphasizes that something is wrong:
>> The links are now presented as such:
>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=GetCartsGridLink)]
>> And the GetCarrsGridLink function as follows:
>> def GetCartsGridLink(row):
>>>     id = None
>>>     try:
>>>       id = row.cart.id # this works for the grid itself
>>>     except:
>>>       id = row.id # this works for the view/edit of a record of the grid
>>>     result = A(id,
>>>                _href=URL('manage', 'view_cart', args=id,
>>> user_signature=True),
>>>                _target='blank')
>>>     return result
>> It does solve the problem, because try/except takes care of it, setting
>> up the id based on the context.
>> I feel there is something wrong with the very necessity of having to use
>> try/except here. Why would it use different structures in the grid itself
>> vs. view/edit a row of the grid???
>> The problem has been solved, but the mystery remains. I am still missing
>> something about it...
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 4:48 PM Jim S <ato.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a couple of ideas, but none are tested
>>> First, can you try adding the field_id parameter to your SQLFORM.grid()
>>> call?  I believe that tells this grid which is your 'primary' table.
>>> Secondly (this is the way I typically handle it) - instead of coding
>>> everything in a lambda, call a function to build your buttons and just pass
>>> it the id of the row.  Then, in your function you can retrieve the entire
>>> row and get all the data you need even if it isn't included in the grid
>>> fields.
>>> Not sure that completely addresses your concern, but if you run through
>>> those ideas it might help you onto a solution.
>>> -Jim
>>> On Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 1:44:41 PM UTC-5, Vlad wrote:
>>>> Seems to me this is an inconsistency in the way how grid operates
>>>> (which breaks it, as I show below, but, of course, most probably I am just
>>>> missing something.)
>>>> The following code crashes:
>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>     fields = [db.cart.id]
>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(*row.cart.id
>>>> <http://row.cart.id>*))]
>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, editable=True, details=True,
>>>> links=links, fields=fields)
>>>> This is because row.cart is undefined in the links. Instead, the links
>>>> should be made as such:
>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(*row.id
>>>> <http://row.id>*))]
>>>> Now this works.
>>>> However, when I add more fields in the code, like this:
>>>>     fields = [db.cart.id, db.cart.description, db.cart_ownership.boss,
>>>> db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>> Now in the links I can't use "row.id". It must be "row.cart.id"
>>>> This by itself would be fine, I could just use *row.id <http://row.id>*
>>>> or *row.card.id <http://row.card.id>* accordingly, depending on the
>>>> fields used (though I would like to control this structure), but I am
>>>> having the following problem further on:
>>>> The grid described by the code
>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>     fields = [db.cart.id, db.cart.description, db.cart_ownership.boss,
>>>> db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(row.cart.id))]
>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, editable=True, details=True,
>>>> links=links, fields=fields)
>>>> crashes when I try to view or edit a row of the grid. This is because
>>>> the links takes  row.cart.id in the grid itself, but expects row.id in
>>>> edit- or view- actions (i.e. when editing or viewing a row). When viewing
>>>> or editing a row, row.cart is undefined in the links, so row.cart.id
>>>> crashes it (when "view" or "edit" buttons are clicked), while in the grid
>>>> itself row.cart.id works just fine (and row.id would not work).
>>>> What am I missing here? How do I control how this field should be
>>>> expected in the links in the grid vs. in the view/edit a row of the grid?
>>>> Here is still simplified but more complete code, in case I missed
>>>> something important in a "shortcut" code above:
>>>>     query = db.cart
>>>>     fields = [db.cart.id, db.cart.description, db.cart_ownership.boss,
>>>> db.cart_ownership.status, db.cart.count]
>>>>     links = [dict(header='View', body=lambda row: str(row.cart.id))]
>>>>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(query,
>>>>                         editable=True,
>>>>                         details=True,
>>>>                         links=links,
>>>>                         fields=fields,
>>>>                         left = [db.cart_ownership.on(db.cart.id
>>>> ==db.cart_ownership.cart)],
>>>>                         field_id=db.cart.id,
>>>>                         )
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