> On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 3:50:16 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
>> I think you're on the right track. If you need the original request body 
>> to verify the signature, request.body.read() should do it. Does that not 
>> work?
>> Also, I don't think you need the decorator and nested function. Just 
>> write a simple function and call it at the beginning of the handler:
>> def verify_signature():
>>     secret = '<here is my secret key>'
>>     body = request.body.read()
>>     dig = hmac.new(secret.encode(), msg=body.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.
>> sha256).digest()
>>     if request.env.http_x_wc_webhook_signature != base64.b64encode(dig).
>> decode():
>>         raise HTTP(403)  
>> @service.json
>> def listenToHooks():
>>     verify_signature()
>>     # do stuff
>> Anthony
> Don't you want a dummy parameter on verify_signature(), to prevent it 
> being a URL-visible function?

Instead of a dummy parameter, you can start the name with a double 
underscore. But if verify_signature is needed in multiple places, I would 
move it to a model or module. If only needed in this one place, I probably 
wouldn't make a separate function and simply add those few lines directly 
to listenToHooks.



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