On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 3:50:16 PM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
> I think you're on the right track. If you need the original request body 
> to verify the signature, request.body.read() should do it. Does that not 
> work?
> Also, I don't think you need the decorator and nested function. Just write 
> a simple function and call it at the beginning of the handler:
> def verify_signature():
>     secret = '<here is my secret key>'
>     body = request.body.read()
>     dig = hmac.new(secret.encode(), msg=body.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.
> sha256).digest()
>     if request.env.http_x_wc_webhook_signature != base64.b64encode(dig).
> decode():
>         raise HTTP(403)  
> @service.json
> def listenToHooks():
>     verify_signature()
>     # do stuff
> Anthony

Don't you want a dummy parameter on verify_signature(), to prevent it being 
a URL-visible function? 


def verify_signature(isinternal=True):


On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 4:41:01 PM UTC-5, Manuele wrote:
>> Il 28/02/18 17:10, Anthony ha scritto:
>> You could parse the request body yourself, but web2py will do it 
>> automatically and put the variables in request.post_vars (if JSON is 
>> posted, its keys will become the keys of request.post_vars).
>> I'm not sure what you mean by "check the request.post_vars". If there are 
>> variables you are expecting in the posted body, they will be in 
>> request.post_vars. Looking at the example log here 
>> <https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/webhooks/>, it looks like you 
>> might expect request.post_vars.action and request.post_vars.arg. The 
>> "action" value will also be in one of the request headers. Not sure if you 
>> need or care about "arg".
>> A little step backward... I want to verify the call origin and 
>> authenticity.
>> Each time a call is performed by a webhook it is signed with a signature 
>> in the header obtained by encoding the body and I want to verify this 
>> signature in order to be sure from where the call comes from. I've found 
>> something similar for other languages and environments but not for python 
>> and web2py, for example this one 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/q/42182387/1039510. The concept is quite easy 
>> but there are some details I miss.
>> Hereunder I tryied to rewrite the example code[*] in a more clear way (I 
>> hope).
>> Does anybody tryied it before or somebody with some woocommerce webhook 
>> experience can point me to what's wrong in it?
>> def compute(body):
>>     secret = '<here is my secret key>'
>>     dig = hmac.new(secret.encode(),
>>         msg = body.encode(),
>>         digestmod = hashlib.sha256
>>     ).digest()
>>     computed = base64.b64encode(dig).decode()
>>     return computed    
>> def hookCheck(func):
>>     def wrapper(*args, **kw):
>>         signature = request.env.http_x_wc_webhook_signature
>>         body = request.body.read() # ??
>>         computed = compute(body)
>>         if signature==computed:
>>             return func(*args, **kw)
>>         raise HTTP(403)
>>     return wrapper
>> @service.json
>> def listenToHooks():
>>     @hookCheck
>>     def _main_():
>>         # do stuff
>>         return {}
>>     return _main_()
>> Best regards
>>     Manuele
>> [*] https://gist.github.com/manuelep/4b64492ceeaa07f095302f94956ea554

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