> > It looks like WooCommerce makes a POST request, so the values posted 
> > should end up in request.post_vars. 
> maybe I don't understand... what I think I need to check is the raw body 
> of the request... isn't it? How should I check the request.post_vars? 
> Isn't it a dictionary or a Storage object?

You could parse the request body yourself, but web2py will do it 
automatically and put the variables in request.post_vars (if JSON is 
posted, its keys will become the keys of request.post_vars).

I'm not sure what you mean by "check the request.post_vars". If there are 
variables you are expecting in the posted body, they will be in 
request.post_vars. Looking at the example log here 
<https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/webhooks/>, it looks like you might 
expect request.post_vars.action and request.post_vars.arg. The "action" 
value will also be in one of the request headers. Not sure if you need or 
care about "arg".

> > and I don't think there is much gained by putting it inside 
> ok... but why not?

It's just another level of indirection for no benefit. Actually, if the 
@auth.requires check fails, it will end up redirecting to the web2py Auth 
"not_authorized" HTML page (with a 200 response). A better response would 
simply be to raise an HTTP(403) exception.


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