Then what's wrong with just doing:

widget=lambda field, value, row=row: lazy_options_widget(field=field,
 where=lambda master_field: (db.lookuptable.master_field == row.master_field


On Friday, February 7, 2014 9:29:29 AM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Kind of...
> Richard
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Anthony < 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Don't have time to process all this, but are you saying you have a row 
>> object and just need to know how to pass it to a custom widget?
>> On Thursday, February 6, 2014 4:14:26 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I may ask something not realistic, I didn't think that much to this...
>>> But I found my self, I would really need to know the value of another 
>>> fields the than the field on which the widget is apply in other to init my 
>>> widget correctly. I found a workaround that would be as easy as passing the 
>>> value of those fields as a vars in the URL, but I feel that it is hacky 
>>> compare to having acces to row from widget, like reprensent...
>>> Just to be more specific... I use this widget, from s-cubism sqlab : 
>>> 1/modules/
>>> That I modify to fix issue with initialisation on update form... The 
>>> thing is, that my fix is far from perfect, since the conditionnal field 
>>> (the one on which the widget have been declared) is not filtered out, only 
>>> the proper value for the conditionnal field is selected as it should on 
>>> form update...
>>> So, I thougt, that I can fix this like that :
>>> Defining another _get_select_el function (maybe not required, but for 
>>> now let use it) :
>>>     def _get_select_el_for_init(self, trigger, value=None):
>>>         if trigger:
>>>             self._require.orderby = self.orderby or self._require.orderby
>>>             self._require.dbset = self._require.dbset(self.
>>> where(trigger))
>>>             options = self._require.options()
>>>             opts = [OPTION(v, _value=k) for (k, v) in options]
>>>             return DIV(SELECT(_id='%s__aux' % self._el_id, value=value,
>>> _onchange='jQuery("#%s").val(jQuery(this).val());' 
>>> % self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                               *opts))
>>>         else:
>>>             return self.default
>>> Then 
>>> I can do that :
>>>     if value:
>>>             el = DIV(script_el,
>>>                      SPAN(self._get_select_el_for_
>>> init(trigger=self.conditional_field_value, value=value),
>>>                           # SELECT(value=value,
>>>                           #        _id='%s__aux' % self._el_id,
>>>                           #        
>>> _onchange='jQuery("#%s").val(jQuery(this).val());' 
>>> % self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                           #        *[OPTION(v, _value=k) for (k, v) in 
>>> field.requires.options()],
>>>                           #        ),
>>>                           _id=self._disp_el_id),
>>>                      INPUT(_value=value, _type='hidden',
>>>                  , _id=self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                            requires=field.requires),
>>>                      _id=self._el_id)
>>>         else:
>>>             el = DIV(script_el,
>>>                      SPAN(select_el or self.default, 
>>> _id=self._disp_el_id),
>>>                      INPUT(_value=value, _type='hidden',
>>>                  , _id=self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                            requires=field.requires),
>>>                      _id=self._el_id)
>>> Instead of what is commented out...
>>> self.conditional_field_value contain the id selected in the "master" 
>>> field.
>>> It would requires that I could do something like that :
>>> widget=lambda field, value, row: lazy_options_widget(field=field,
>>>  on_key='no_table_master_field__selected',
>>>  off_key='master_field__unselected',
>>>  where=lambda master_field: (db.lookuptable.master_field == 
>>> row.master_field),
>>>  trigger=request.vars.master_field,
>>>                                                              orderby=
>>>                                                              ...
>>>                                                              )
>>> Does it make any sens or what?
>>> I can just do that instead :
>>>  if value:
>>>             el = DIV(script_el,
>>>                      SPAN(self._get_select_el_for_init(trigger=
>>> *current.request.vars.conditional_field_value*, value=value),
>>>                           # SELECT(value=value,
>>>                           #        _id='%s__aux' % self._el_id,
>>>                           #        
>>> _onchange='jQuery("#%s").val(jQuery(this).val());' 
>>> % self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                           #        *[OPTION(v, _value=k) for (k, v) in 
>>> field.requires.options()],
>>>                           #        ),
>>>                           _id=self._disp_el_id),
>>>                      INPUT(_value=value, _type='hidden',
>>>                  , _id=self._hidden_el_id,
>>>                            requires=field.requires),
>>>                      _id=self._el_id)
>>> And passing the vars into the URL...
>>> Thanks
>>> Richard
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