the main point is not that is not inefficient by itself. It's just that you 
need to make sure you don't use that in a model because in web2py models 
are executed at **every** request, and you don't seem to want to queue a 
task for every request that comes in :-P

On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 8:55:34 PM UTC+2, Tushar Tuteja wrote:
> thanks a ton,
> I ll try this and what would be appropriate place to insert the file , so 
> that it is not efficient.
> thanks,
> regards,
> Tushar Tuteja
> On 17 October 2013 00:22, Niphlod < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> the scheduler is running fine.
>> In the data you pasted here there's the reason why the scheduler isn't 
>> picking up any new task.
>> times_run is 3 and repeats is set to 3, so the task got executed 3 times 
>> already.
>> Sidenote: append a "return 1" to your function, so you'll get 
>> scheduler_run records holding more details about the executions, until you 
>> figure out the issues you're having on what to choose when you queue the 
>> task.
>> Also, please do
>> sched = Scheduler(db, dict(fun=func))
>> sched.queue_task('func', uuid='test_insert', repeats=3, period=10)
>> without any worker running, so you can see what is inserted into the 
>> scheduler_task table correctly.
>> Execute the sched.queue_task just one time only (if you put that in 
>> models, it will be executed at every request and that would be inefficient)
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> Tushar Tuteja
> Undergraduate Student(Fourth Year)
> Civil Engineering
> IIT Delhi
> +919953061943
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