I started with that only, but it is still now working.
SO I'll tell you what I did.
I made a file sched.py
*# coding: utf8**
**def fun():**
**    import time**
**    print 'selecting mails'**
**    rows = db(db.queue.status=='pending').select()**
**    for row in rows:**
**        print 'sending mails'**
**        if mail.send(to=row.email,**
**            subject=row.subject,**
**            message=row.message_body):**
**            row.update_record(status='sent')**
**        else:**
**            row.update_record(status='failed')**
**        db.commit()**
**from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler**

then I edited the table scheduler_task
these are my values
scheduler_task.id scheduler_task.application_name scheduler_task.task_name scheduler_task.group_name scheduler_task.status scheduler_task.function_name scheduler_task.uuid scheduler_task.args scheduler_task.vars scheduler_task.enabled scheduler_task.start_time scheduler_task.next_run_time scheduler_task.stop_time scheduler_task.repeats scheduler_task.retry_failed scheduler_task.period scheduler_task.timeout scheduler_task.sync_output scheduler_task.times_run scheduler_task.times_failed scheduler_task.last_run_time scheduler_task.assigned_worker_name 2 b/appadmin mail main QUEUED func 85ebf3d6-35f8-4c6a-ac08-6477ee2af6b7 [] {} True 2013-10-16 17:26:38 2013-10-16 17:26:38 <NULL> 3 0 10 60 0 3 0 <NULL> tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573

and then I used this command
python web2py.py -K appName -D 0

it is still not sending mails and I get this in the console
INFO:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:nothing to do
DEBUG:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:........recording heartbeat (ACTIVE)
INFO:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:nothing to do
DEBUG:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:........recording heartbeat (ACTIVE)
INFO:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:nothing to do
DEBUG:web2py.scheduler.tushar-VPCEB26FG#26573:........recording heartbeat (ACTIVE)



Tushar Tuteja
On Wednesday 16 October 2013 06:34 PM, Niphlod wrote:
ok. start it with
python web2py.py -K appName -D 0
that sets to DEBUG the logging level

Il giorno mercoledÄ› 16 ottobre 2013 14:46:53 UTC+2, Tushar Tuteja ha scritto:

    Ubuntu 12.04
    i use the command
    python web2py.py -K appName

    On Wednesday 16 October 2013 05:53 PM, Niphlod wrote:
    a) what ubuntu ?
    b) how do you start the scheduler ?

    Il giorno mercoledÄ› 16 ottobre 2013 14:06:41 UTC+2, Tushar Tuteja
    ha scritto:

        Hey I am using web2py on ubuntu.
        I am trying to use the scheduler but there is not workers
        name that is coming .
        and the task is always queued and it never runs.
        I followed the video on Vimeo on scheduler.
        it runs on mac but not on ubuntu.
        apparently my app is hosted on a ubuntu server.

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