I do not have a good answer but with of all I would try isolate the 
problem. Can you reproduce it with the built-in web server? Can you 
reproduce it with a smaller application? Can you reproduce it with am app 
that does not use cache? etc. If you could post a minimalist code to 
reproduce it, others could try it too.

On Monday, 10 June 2013 19:38:36 UTC-5, Aurelio Tinio wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
>   I haven't been able to isolate the reason for our memory leak other than 
> having it be triggered when encountering an unknown page (i.e. 404 page). 
> The investigation continues and will definitely keep you posted, especially 
> if the problem is with web2py and not our own application code.
> Curious though.. for the memory leaks that you have found in the past, 
> what is your process like to track them down? Do you have a preferred 
> python memory profiler that you use, etc.. ? I'm currently looking into the 
> use of Heapy and/or objgraph but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask you before 
> I dive deeper.
> Thanks,
> Aurelio
> ps If this is now way off topic for this thread, happy to repost the 
> question as a new topic. Please, just let me know.
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 8:18:20 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Let me know if you can isolate the reason for your memory leak. There are 
>> two known potential causes for leaks. 1) you use cache too much in ram 
>> without clearing the cache; 2) you create instances of objects with a 
>> __del__ method (this may create circular references which cannot be garbage 
>> collected). None of the web2py classes have a __del__ method but third 
>> party libraries may.
>> On Tuesday, 4 June 2013 17:08:50 UTC-5, Aurelio Tinio wrote:
>>> Thanks for the prompt response Massimo. It doesn't look like we are 
>>> using the TAG helper for our application but good to know nonetheless.
>>> Cheers.
>>> On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 2:42:09 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>> The only memory leak I am aware of is when one use the TAG helper. It 
>>>> is fixed in trunk and will be foxed in 2.4.8 but it is not fixed in 2.4.6. 
>>>> I am not aware of other memory leaks.
>>>> On Tuesday, 4 June 2013 16:22:10 UTC-5, Aurelio Tinio wrote:
>>>>> Hi Massimo,
>>>>>   If you don't mind, could you elaborate on what these bugfixes are? 
>>>>> We've just upgraded our system to use v2.4.6 and trying to assess if it's 
>>>>> worth it to do the upgrade to v2.4.7 before our launch. Specifically, 
>>>>> we've 
>>>>> noticed a possible memory leak with our deployment and currently 
>>>>> investigating if this might have been due to our upgrade to v2.4.6 and if 
>>>>> so, if this bug has been fixed in the latest version.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Aurelio
>>>>> On Friday, May 24, 2013 10:56:11 AM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>>> I posted web2py 2.4.7. Includes mostly bug fixes.


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