There doesn't necessarily have to be a formal-road-map "process" in
existence, for there to be a "road-map-section"  in the web2py website.
For example, I like how Redmine's road-map section is structured:
There is also an explanation on updating it on the wiki tab:
I think web2py should have something similar.

As for announcement, I disagree - That's another duplication-of-efforts and
multiplication that creates confusion - if there is already an maintained
tweeter-feed, that it should be used - embedding a tweeter feed into a
website is common and trivial nowadays - people expect it. There should be
a tweeter-feed component right on the front-page of the web2py website.

Book-updates should be linked-into from that tweeter-feed.
Announcements should be short and frequent.
Book-updates should be extensive and read-proofed.

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Anthony <> wrote:

> We can update the book as frequently as we like. I think this is the place
> for announcements (there's also the Twitter feed). Aside from that, I
> suppose we could maintain some kind of framework roadmap document, but we
> don't really have a formal roadmap process, and I'm not sure there is a
> desire to adopt one.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:47:35 PM UTC-4, Arnon Marcus wrote:
>> On the contrary. I think information about testing using web2py, in
>> conjuction with various testing-frameworks/tools, is highly relevant in the
>> book, along with common testing-practices, and the way they apply when
>> testing with web2py.
>> The book, in that case, would act as an information-centralization tool.
>> So it's not about the book. Its about 
>> information-centralization/**consolidation,
>> for the sake of research-efficiency, and prevention of
>> duplication-of-efforts. There may be other tools/platforms that can searve
>> this role.
>> The book might be a less-efficient way than others, in terms of how
>> frequent it is updated.
>> I am deliberatelty refraining from specific suggestions, because the
>> actual solution-implementation is less important than understanding the
>> problem. The need is more important than the strategy for meeting it.
>> Where I think a book is a terrible option, is when concearning exposure
>> of frequently-updating information. Say, announcement of a feature-project
>> that is underway, This should belong to a "news-feed", a newsletter, or
>> both.
>> The 2 worlds might meet, say, as an announcement for additions to the
>> book, with links to the chapters.
>> The FAQ is really old and dated, so I think it should be updated as well.
>> And it uses some usefull categories, that should be retargeted to a
>> newsfeed.
>>  --
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