
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Paul Eden <benchl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> One thing I am not clear on yet.
>> We talked about the possibility of a wiki and a sphinx site.
> We are doing both.
> This wiki is free-form contribution;  people will document, add, correct as
> needed.
> The Sphinx site will be reviewed,  and the sections made so that the
> writing style is mostly consistent (e.g. ensure basic style, keywords, cross
> references, examples, etc.).   The document will be orgainzed by "sections"
> and topics (which will evlolve).
> If the wiki is more like "the wild west", the sphinx area will be more like
> "Harvard" (well, not quite - but you get the general contrast).
> So, for the wiki, edit away.
> For the Sphinx, we should have a repository (it's too soon yet - I will
> make one after PyCon), and - similar to the way web2py code is managed, if
> you want to make a change, you branch, and when you think you are ready,
> submit your change for review / acceptance.   There is something of Guido's
> I want to port and test (which I think I'm going to do possibly use at work)
> which would allow you to submit for review your changes, and let the
> community do the review and comments, and acceptance would work after the
> section owners signed off (similar to what Android phone code repository is
> using).   This may take a little time to get setup, but we can certainly
> start the sphinx repo before.
> Ultimately, we should have project tools (including documentation) in a
> nice web2py project management site package of applications.
> Sound good?
> In the meantime, we need to fix some basic RST renderings in the wiki.
> How does this sound?
> Regards,

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