On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Joe Barnhart <joe.barnh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please don't take this as criticism of web2py or T3.  I feel I have to
> speak out on this even if it makes me unpopular.
> The T3 wiki is just not up to the standards of a "real" wiki.  It is a
> facinating example of how much web2py can do with so little coding,
> but it is not a serious industrial-grade wiki.  Why do I say this?
> -- It lacks the features that make a wiki a wiki, i.e. retention of
> all edits for all time, automatic or manual hyperlinks to the other
> content on the wiki, etc.
> -- It does not "look" like a wiki.  It features a large and prominent
> menu bar for navigation.  It uses slow and annoying javascript effects
> for its menus.  Real wikis are based on a few index pages and really
> good search.  They do not use javascript effects or other eye-candy.
> -- Its articles lack the depth and range of markup I see in other
> wikis -- but I do not know if this is an inherent constraint of the
> markup language or just the styles chosen by the writer of the
> content.
> There is a strong desire to "eat our own dogfood".  That we could
> develop a full commercial-grade wiki application within web2py and use
> this as a way of improving the platform.  But do be misled into
> thinking it will be a quick or simple task.  I fear we will be
> committing ourselves to more "axe sharpening" rather than moving
> forward on the task of documenting.



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