
My 2 cents:

I have been a Java web and Swing developer for 5 years.
I use great Enhydra + DODS (database layer) frameworks and have
created some huge applications with these technologies.
I used to develop in PHP and Perl too but it's been an old history.
Those are my experiences from a real production world.

>From my perspective - I LOVE java (mainly it's pure syntax and all
free libraries around it - apache's libraries for example).
It's a very sad fact that there is no good lightweight web framework
for java (Grails is a new alternative but it uses RUBY like syntax
which I really hate (Perl like syntax) - subjectively very unreadable
for a team of cooparating programmers).

But I have just started to look at some new (lighter and faster) RAPID
development tools.

So yesterday, I took a Python user's guide and went through it - hey
that was so easy (but still prefer Java :-).
You know there are lot of good python web frameworks (that's why I
choose python).

Then I downloaded web2py manual ... and took me around 4 hours to walk
through it's 80 pages + create 3 apps :-)
Very intuitive, simple and pure. To be true I have to say that I don't
like it's old JSP style. You know there is no complete web design and
code separation because of it. Morover forms are created with a python
- all design should be made from a HTML perspective only. I know - all
can not be perfect :-)

As for an Appcelerator:
1. Like it's general form - can be used from almost any language
(Java, Php, Python, Ruby, ...) so you are not stuck in 1 language !!
2. Designer sees what you see (almost).
3. No Javascript needed - I hate javascript - for anyone who knows
full java - it is a real nightmare to debug this stupid thing.
It does not seem to me to be a secure way to validate inputs on a client's side.

But I agree that almost everything can be done with a JQuery too.

Have a nice day guys.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:51 AM, achipa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What people might be misunderstanding is my motivation here... There
> are hardly black-and-white choices, and when an engineering/business
> decision has to be made, it's usually for a particular situation.
> While the tone might have been a bit harsh, I'm not saying
> appcelerator sucks and nobody should ever use it. It's just that based
> on my experience, it is useable (with caveats) for very limited
> applications. OpenLaszlo does almost exactly the same thing, but as
> it's from 5 years ago, it uses tech that was all the buzz for serious
> web apps back then - generates flash from a Java backend, and the
> flash does the dynamic stuff from XML files you can 'code'.
> Appcelerator just adapts this to the present day buzz (replaces flash
> with JS widgets, uses HTML+AJAX instead of flash reloading XML files
> for the client side logic, instead of LZX markup language you have web
> expression language, etc). So *IMO* nothing revolutionary there, still
> the same (questionable) concept, still looks cool, still hard to
> develop, still hard to maintain, still has a strong lock-in, still a
> lot of untransferrable knowledge, and that is why I don't see
> appcelerator succeed (on a large scale) where OpenLaszlo had failed.
> But then again, I'm still earning my first million bucks, so maybe
> it's just me who doesn't get it ;)
> With regard to toolkits - yes, we should use anything nice that fits
> our paradigm, but don't shift a paradigm to fit the tool (which is
> exactly why I don't think much of Silverlight and kin). If there are
> parts of Appcelerator that could be used to improve web2py, Massimo
> should use them by all means, but know your stuff, make conceptual &
> engineering and not buzz choices.
> Take for example, in my case, PHP. Nobody argues that there are a lot
> of excellent sites done in PHP, huge userbase, a lot of development,
> frameworks, etc, etc, and yet, I *feel* there is no way I'm going back
> to PHP. Why ? PHP was good for doing simple stuff quickly. All the
> libs in one place, everything is global, you could make a dynamic web
> page in 2 minutes, and that's what drove LAMP to success. On the high-
> end, there was no question that for business app, you would use Java.
> As time progressed, web sites got more complex, and PHP itself went
> the way of more complexity, object orientation, templates, frameworks,
> soon namespaces. And here is the catch - in the process of migrating
> upwards on the business ladder, it just became too unwieldy (for me).
> The simple sites PHP was good at simply do not exist any more, and all
> the cruft from the age when quick and dirty was all the rage makes it
> cumbersome for the large ones (although as we can see the inertia is
> pretty strong, so PHP is still in high demand). Enter web2py. Python
> is just so much more elegant and more suitable for development of both
> system and web applications that when teamed with a nice framework
> (who said web2py ? :) it becomes my new 'ideal choice' for modern
> small-to-medium scale web apps. Simple (enough) and Powerful (enough).
> After a month with Python I didn't want to loose time with Perl again.
> After a month with django and web2py I didn't want to loose time with
> PHP (with Zend, Cake and Seagull) again. Do you see where I'm going ?
> You can do anything in almost any of these tools and languages
> (appcelerator and openlaszlo included), it's just the question of
> effort (which translates to money in a business environment), and I
> feel the sweet spot for effort for today's web apps moving *away* from
> PHP and into the land of web2py and it's kin.
> Of course, you might disagree with my points above, they are just
> opinions, anyone can (and should) have them. As for bias, I know I'm
> biased, I tend to get biased towards things that make my engineering
> sense purr and generally make my life as a programmer easier :) I'm
> sorry if I stepped on any toes, it wasn't my intention, just wanted to
> share a few thoughts, sorry again if it got too rant-ish.
> On Oct 29, 9:41 pm, JorgeRpo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well I havent used appcelerator either.
>> But I found your opinion very personal and subjective. I am not going
>> to argue your points at this time.
>> You dont seem to be criticzicing appcelerator buth the logic behind
>> its existence.
>> So you dont agree neither with MS Silverlight, Mozilla Prism, Google
>> GWT, and others.
>> But those frameworks are here and its better to take advantage of them
>> than to ignore them.
>> On Oct 29, 9:54 am, achipa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > <disclaimer>
>> > I have not used appcelerator in any real life projects and just went
>> > through the docs/tutorials/screencasts. I did use half a dozen web
>> > oriented languages, frameworks and templating systems in the past ten
>> > years.
>> > </disclaimer>
>> > Hate to be the Yin of all topics, but I find appceletator to be a bit
>> > heavy on the buzz side. What I think is the worst error in the concept
>> > is the Web Expression Language part. It somehow feels super cool and
>> > super wrong to me at the same time. It reintroduces program logic in
>> > places people were fighting years to get it out of, and doing it in an
>> > unreadable form (as it pretends to be html for syntax purposes, which
>> > is worse than any JS toolkit). This means two more things IMO - *real*
>> > designers won't be able to touch it, and it will have a strong lock-in
>> > factor as a design/UI made in it cannot be ported to any other
>> > framework (which is why all the JS toolkits actually make sense as you
>> > can adapt them to any underlying backend). 5 years ago I'd be super
>> > impressed with appcelerator, but now it seems to me as an approach
>> > with a dark side potential. Conceptually, it feels a lot like
>> > (Open)Laszlo, also a super cool and simultaneously super wrong
>> > approach.
>> > On Oct 29, 2:04 pm, mdipierro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > Thank you for your comments.
>> > > I like appcelerator. I am reserving time over the christmas break to
>> > > learn more about it. Something may happen.
>> > > Massimo
>> > > On Oct 29, 2:38 am, Dunsun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > > > Hi,
>> > > > It would be great to integrate Appcelerator with web2py.
>> > > > It would give us a superiority over all other frameworks.
>> > > > Web2py is clearly the best framework for python and Appcelerator is
>> > > > easy and very efficient way to add RIA and SOA to web2py.
>> > > > Any plans for the future ?
>> > > > Thank you.
> >

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