I'd like to see some coding suggestions to deal with this:

-  Somebody suggest revised data table design for AlterEgo, and then
build it:
       - these items come to mind:   Post date;  refers to web2py
version;  info about context (hosting O/S or GAE:  t2;  etc.)
-  Somebody write up an application to organize categories of existing
google group postings- start so it's just links to "good info",
      - expand over time to build forum software which includes links
to group postings, but is organized like a forum: by topic;  scan
        forums for starting design concepts;
-  I like the DjangoBook project for it's commenting ability.  In
fact, I'd like - as voltron suggests - a way to write a book
collaboratively, so I am working on a book-writing project (for now,
I'm thinking about how I want to see it work).   I'm considering the
idea of something like a "Live Sphinx",  but not sure the structure of
it (as it is now) will make that easy.   I am sure reStructuredText
(Sphinx's basis) can easily be rendered live.   Many interesting
things in thinking about this, but the concepts are still forming.

More later....


On Oct 18, 3:54 am, Keith Edmunds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree that the documentation needs to be pulled together. I don't
> program in web2py very often - I'm trying to run a business and we use
> web2py for our internal applications, but they don't get worked on every
> day or even every month. However, I do think web2py is an excellent
> framework. Cohesive documentation is missing, and to that end I have done
> the following:
> - kept all the mailing list mails since I joined the group (nearly 7000
> mails)
> - kept the draft books that Massimo put together
> - bookmarked Alto Ego
> - bookmarked the API documentation
> - bookmarked the CAS, T2 and Examples documentation
> - printed the cheat sheet
> - ordered the book (I'm in the UK, so I've no idea when it will arrive)
> Even now, when I'm reading the mailing list (I don't read every mail), I
> keep seeing reference to things I didn't know existed. I'm hoping that the
> book will pull a lot of this together, but right now when I'm using web2py
> I feel as if I'm almost out of my depth the whole time, and I am sure
> there are many web2py features that I don't use because I don't even know
> about them.
> To get to the point: please don't start another cookbook. Let's
> consolidate what already exists and then build on it.
> Keith
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