> Could someone please tell me the best way to print locally while working on
> another computer that is 5000KM's away.  is there any programs that people
> can recomend or ????

Sorry to come into this discussion late, but there are several things
you can do.  (I know Jon already found a solution, but there may be
other people with the same problem.)

1)  IPP from Windows:  
  If the local printer is a "network printer" that plugs into the
  network directly (instead of a parallel or USB port), and the remote
  computer is running Windows 95 or higher (or NT), then you can use
  something called "Internet Printing Protocol."  Complete
  instructions for setting this up are on this page:


  Note that the Microsoft documentation claims you need an NT/2000
  server to print through.  This is completely wrong, as pointed out
  on the above page.  I've used this printing from Win98 machines to
  HP printers without any NT/2000 machine involved.  You need to know
  the IP number of the printer.  If the IP number is a "local" number
  not accessible to the remote machine, you may be abel to use SSH

2)  IPP from Linux/Unix

  If the local printer is a "network printer" that plugs into the
  network directly (instead of a parallel or USB port), and the remote
  computer is running Linux/Unix, I'm pretty sure most flavors of
  Linux/Unix support IPP.  I think IPP is the same thing HP calls

3)  Windows Sharing:

  As several people mentioned, if both computers are running Windows,
  you can enable printer sharing on the local machine and "install"
  the printer as a network printer on the remote machine.  This may
  not work if the machines are not on the same local network unless
  you have a VPN which makes them appear to each other to be on the
  same local network.  You might be able to use SSH tunnelling, but
  this may foul up other file/printer sharing you have (if any).

4)  LPD:

  There is a protocol called LPD ("line printer daemon") that is
  common in the Unix/Linux world.  It has been around for years and
  works very well, and has a lot of featurees Windows printer sharing
  doesn't have.  There are LPD drivers (clients) and LPD servers for
  Windows.  If the local machine with the printer is Linux/Unix, this
  is probably the way to go; get an LPD client and install it on the
  remote machine.  If the local machine with the printer is Windows,
  get an LPD server daemon and install it on the local machine.

5)  If all else fails, "print to file" then download the file and
    print it locally.

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