::: It seems a little strange for this to only be a client option .  . 

:: But if the client/viewer did not have mouse or keyboard control,
:: nothing would.  Under Unix there is no local, controlling session:
:: there is ONLY the client/viewer. 

: Peter Hutnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: That's a good call.  I guess What I'd really want to do is only accept
: mouse and keyboard from localhost (or some other single host) and
: allow multiple "view only machines."

Well, let's see here...  so you start Xvnc with -nevershared 
and -dontdisconnect, maybe -localhost, connect to it (which locks
everybody else out of that rfb server) then start x0rfbserver as an X
client of that Xvnc, and set it to disable remote keyboard and pointer. 

A horrible kludge with the sole virtue that I think it would work
(though I admit I haven't tried it; it just sprung to mind as a
possibility), and it uses on off-the-shelf components. 

Or, of course, just run x0rfbserver on the X server that's
managing the physical display...

Wayne Throop   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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