> On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:11:40 -0600 (CST), dssyenon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > I tried following the ssh instructions at
> > http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html and also invoked vncserver
> > with -localhost, but am unable to connect over ssh or clear.  If I don't
> > specify -localhost, I'm able to connect over both ssh and clear.  I only
> > want to allow over ssh connections.
> >
> > Suppose the linux vncserver is on display :1.  A cleartext connection would
> > open to linuxbox:5901.  If I configure the ssh client to forward its
> > local port 5902 to linuxbox:5901, then on the client I'd need to open
>                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > vncviewer to windowsbox:2 (or localhost:2) in order to connect over the
> > tunnel.  However, if vncserver on linuxbox is -localhost, why would it
> > accept connections over the tunnel at all, since the tunnel originated
> > outside linuxbox?

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Ehud Karni wrote:
> If you want to ensure ssh tunnel connection to your VNC you must run
> it with the -localhost argument and change the ssh forwarding to
> localhost:5901 (the localhost is the "sshd" localhost not the originator
> localhost) localhost is just an alias for the loopback net (

A config summary:
1. vncserver -localhost running on linuxbox:5901
2. vncviewer running on windowsbox
3. windows ssh client set to forward windowsbox:5902 to linuxbox:5901.

If I'm understanding correctly, are you saying #3 is wrong?  I'm guessing
that's because linuxbox's vncserver was started with -localhost, so it
won't accept a connection from windowsbox:5902.

Would I then need two tunnels?
3b. windows ssh client set to forward windowsbox:5902 to linuxbox:5902.
4. linux ssh client set to forward linuxbox:5902 to linuxbox:5901.

Since the vncserver is running on linuxbox:5901 and will only accept
connections from linuxbox, would I need an additional tunnel on linuxbox
between windowsbox:5902 and linuxbox:5901?

On linuxbox, would I do:
ssh -L 5902:linuxbox:5901 linuxbox

Since windowsbox:5902 forwards to linuxbox:5902 and linuxbox:5902 is local
to vncserver on linuxbox:5901, that gets around the -localhost requirement.

My reasoning is apparently flawed, because this didn't work either.
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