
>>>>> "F" == Fred  <Shing-Fat> writes:

F> Hello, I've been using the MS IE java viewer on the laptop, seems
F> great. Locks up sometimes, but that seems easily fixed by
F> disconnecting, reconnecting, and vigorously clicking on the border
F> of any window.

F> I tried to get the same fast response using my unix-based netscape. 
F> Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any tight encoding,
F> compresslevel, nor any jpeg quality options. Is tight encoding
F> built into the unix-based java viewer, or is the nontight viewer
F> somehow getting invoked? I had nontight vnc compiled before
F> compiling tightnc (from scratch, not as an upgrade).

Java viewer is exactly the same in the Win32 and Unix version. But for
Xvnc, you have to make sure you have installed Java classes into the
right location (search for the $vncClasses variable within the
vncserver script).

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