Microsoft (and possibly Sun too) have been making minor problems with
the display of applets like this to promote their political agendas. You
could try using a 3rd party VM, like IBM.

On Mon, 2001-12-17 at 23:04, Shing-Fat (Fred) Ma wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using the MS IE java viewer on the laptop, seems great.
> Locks up sometimes, but that seems easily fixed by disconnecting,
> reconnecting, and vigorously clicking on the border of any window.
> I tried to get the same fast response using my unix-based netscape.
> Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any tight encoding, compresslevel,
> nor any jpeg quality options.  Is tight encoding built into the unix-based
> java viewer, or is the nontight viewer somehow getting invoked?  I had
> nontight vnc compiled before compiling tightnc (from scratch, not as
> an upgrade).
> Fred
> P.S.  I tried running the java viewer outside of netscape.  For solaris,
> the syntax that works seems to be:
>      java -classpath .:/home/fma/Installs/local/vnc/classes vncviewer HOST 
> PORT 5801
> However, this generates the internal error:
>      java.lang.InternalError: Display type (TrueColor) and depth (8) not supported.
>              at sun.awt.motif.MToolkit.<init>(Compiled Code)
>              at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Compiled Code)
>              at java.awt.Window.getToolkit(Compiled Code)
>              at java.awt.Frame.addNotify(Compiled Code)
>              at java.awt.Window.pack(Compiled Code)
>              at optionsFrame.<init>(Compiled Code)
>              at vncviewer.init(Compiled Code)
>              at vncviewer.main(Compiled Code)
> Not being a java programmer, I decided not to pursue this any further
> at the now.  However, if anyone can recognize a likely cause and/or a
> quick fix, I'd appreciate hearing it.  Thanks.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Fred Ma
> Department of Electronics
> Carleton University, Mackenzie Building
> 1125 Colonel By Drive
> Ottawa, Ontario
> Canada     K1S 5B6
> ==========================================================================
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