Most of it is correct however Citrix developed Winframe first which was used on top 
of NT 3.1 Microsoft purchased the code to build Terminal server verson of NT and 
Citrix received the code for NT and developed  MeterFrame which worded with the core 
or NT.
  Sam Dunham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Actually, if my memory of computer history 
serves me right, Citrix came 
before TS. I think it went something like this. Citrix had developed 
MetaFrame and was starting to make a name for itself. Microsoft got all 
uppity about it and sued Citrix. In a settlement, Citrix agreed to sell 
Microsoft the work they'd done on MetaFrame and Microsoft agreed to pretty 
much leave Citrix alone. MS then developed WinFrame/Terminal Server with the 
code from Citrix and Citrix was able to continue developing and selling 


On Saturday 15 December 2001 20:01, you wrote:
> Hmmm, your right, I think Citrix is just extending the capabilities of
> Terminal Server. But can't some of us on this list find out a way to let
> VNC be as good as Cirtix, or become even Greater than Citrix (even
> better!!!). What I am thinking is that if we can get look at a VNC server
> installed properly on any OS from any VNC client, we should be able to
> undertake this. I know that it may be a difficult task, but if a couple of
> people can create Unix and Linux, I know that this is definitly possible.
> Hopefully, though, one day everyone won't half to worry about that guy at
> One Microsoft Way.
> Sincerely,
> Christopher
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Smith" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 8:13 PM
> Subject: Re:VNC is Powerful, could it become like Citrix
> > At 7:17 PM +0000 12/14/01, Christopher Koeber wrote:
> > >VNC s excellent, well, at least in my opinion. What I am wondering is if
> > >could become like Citrix, allowing multiple users to connect to a single
> > >windows machine. This would make VNC great, wouldn't it? Anyone's
> > > opinion
> is
> > >greatly valuable!
> >
> > If you have run a Winframe/Metaframe/Terminal Server you know how
> > much very low level coding went into getting it to work, and it still
> > doesn't work fully (in that many applications write either to c:\...
> > or their installed application directory, both of which are no-no's
> > in a shared user machine). Oh the the reliance on DLL's in the
> > system directory of the server means that you can only ever have one
> > version of a MS product installed.
> >
> > There is a really big leap between hacking into the graphics code,
> > which is what VNC does, and rewriting the OS (BTW Citrix has a
> > license to MS's source code or it wouldn't have been able to).
> > --
> > --------------
> > David A. Smith
> > 
> > The box said: "Needs Windows 98 or better," so I bought a Macintosh.
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