VNC is definitely my choice for remote desktop access.  Netmeeting was
something I used long ago.  But Netmeeting does allow the audio and
video, and of course a Micro$oft solution (ISA) would have the support
for Netmeeting.  Unfortunately it is not easy with most firewalls (a lot
of us just plain old won't even give M$ a try b/c of the issues in
security).  This leaves VNC great for the desktop but then there is no
audio/video.  Of course, you have to then consider the bandwidth issues
currently with audio/video/remote desktop all going at once.  You almost
need a 10, really 100Mbit LAN to do it all smoothly at the same time.  I
wish I could find an easier way to setup videoconferencing... office and
home included.  I believe I have seen very recently on the list a VNC
with audio???  I wonder when that developer might throw video into
that???  8)


ps, Scott... reply offlist please (sorry for the WOB to the list
here)... your wonderful email covers thoroughly what is needed for
Netmeeting to get out, what about calls coming in??  8)  thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan McNeill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: Help me settle a friendlly argument

Great points!
Do you find it just a coincidence that the only NAT'ing firewall that
easily support Netmeeting is (tada!): Micro$oft Internet Security and
Acceleration (ISA) server?
It's an option in the ISA install for H323 support.
It is better than MS' Proxy 2(you shoulda seen the look on my face when
was asked to open the ports for Netmeeting so a building less than a
half-mile away could hold a videoconference!).
I'm not an MS junkie, but I can say that the VPN in ISA is pretty smooth
easy to install. Secure? I believe so.
The bottom line is that I have enough points garnered from this list to
convince the arguer that VNC is the way to go.
Thanks, list!

J.Dylan McNeill
Technology Coordinator
Oregon Community School District #220
OCUSD District Office
206 South Tenth Street
Oregon, IL 61061

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott C. Best [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Help me settle a friendlly argument

        Heyaz. Sorry to chime in so late to this, but I though

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