8)  Cross platform between three major OSs; might be especially 
important to anyone in a school environment with macintosh and wintel 
boxes.  Client for macs is equally small in footprint and resources.

9)  Did you mention FREE for all platforms?

also a technology coordinator

ScanMan wrote:

> 1) Size. VNC fits on a floppy; NetMeeting is huge.
> 2) Speed. NetMeeting takes forever to load.
> 3) RAM footprint. VNC is small enough to be run continuously. NetMeeting
> takes large amounts of RAM.
> 4) Network Bandwidth. NetMeeting is sluggish even on low-latency
> connections. Running several NetMeeting sessions will quickly bog down a
> LAN.
> 5) Can run from a Web browser.
> 6) More flexible.
> 7) More stable & reliable.
> On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 15:19, Dylan McNeill wrote:
>>Help me enumerate the ways that VNC (and its various flavors such as
>>tightvnc, tridiavnc, etc.) is better for remote desktop admin (mostly
>>troubleshooting, some admin stuff) on a LAN (WindowsNT4 Servers and
>>Workstations, Win2K) running 100Mb (10 mb in a couple places) than
>>Microsoft's NetMeeting Desktop Sharing services.
>>Or point me to a web site that does a comparison. The one point he has on me
>>is that Netmeeting3 is already installed on W2K pro. I counter with the
>>"push" scripts for VNC.
>>J.Dylan McNeill
>>Technology Coordinator
>>Oregon Community School District #220
>>OCUSD District Office
>>206 South Tenth Street
>>Oregon, IL 61061
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