
Bingo!  That's it!  It works!  Thanks!

I guess I won't toss out Timbuktu just yet.


At 9:17 AM -0400 4/5/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>At 12:04 AM 4/5/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>>I have two Macs, a Duo 230 on which I installed the VNCBeta368k Viewer,
>>and a G3 on which I installed both the Viewer and the Server from
>>The Duo can connect to the G3 just fine, and moving the cursor on the
>>Duo moves the G3's cursor, and can activate menus and windows and all
>>that just fine.
>>My problem is that I cannot see the G3 desktop from the Duo.  I can
>>control the G3 from the Duo only by looking at the G3's screen.  The
>>VNC window on the Duo is all black, the cursor is a little white square
>>with a dot in it, and moving the mouse cursor on the G3 doesn't affect
>>the cursor position on the Duo.
>>This isn't what I expected at all.  Any idea what I might have done wrong?
>Sounds like you have a color depth problem.    Try changing the G3's screen
>size and color depth to match that of the Duo (try 640x480 at 256 colors to
>Roy Long - KB3CZD
>Computer Technician
>NCI Technologies
>126 N. 2nd Street
>Philipsburg PA 16866
>   Version: 3.12
>   GO@ d-@ s: a- C++ C--- U+++ P+ L++>$ E--- W+ N+ w
>   M++$ PS PE+ PGP+ t+ 5 X R- tv b+ DI++ D G h--- r+++ y--(+++)
>------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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