I have two Macs, a Duo 230 on which I installed the VNCBeta368k Viewer,
and a G3 on which I installed both the Viewer and the Server from

The Duo can connect to the G3 just fine, and moving the cursor on the
Duo moves the G3's cursor, and can activate menus and windows and all
that just fine.

My problem is that I cannot see the G3 desktop from the Duo.  I can
control the G3 from the Duo only by looking at the G3's screen.  The
VNC window on the Duo is all black, the cursor is a little white square
with a dot in it, and moving the mouse cursor on the G3 doesn't affect
the cursor position on the Duo.

This isn't what I expected at all.  Any idea what I might have done wrong?

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