Thanks Mac,

On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 09:33:50 -0500, you wrote:
>start newkeysforVNC.reg

Ironically, I did already know this, but forgot at the time as I usually
use regedit data.reg instead. The 'start' command still brings up the
dialog box!

Steve's following answer to use "regedit /s test.reg" is the correct one.
I didn't know about the /s option. ('start' can't parse this!)

Anyway, I wrote a perl program to put the registry entries in.
One reason it didn't work when I was logged in was because it only updated
VNC's default registry settings, and not the current user, which is
I can modify the perl script to look for a current user and update its VNC
settings to be consistent, but I think winvnc -defaultsettings does this
anyway for the user.

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