I was a more-or-less contented user of VNC 3.3.3R7 for WinNT. When 3.3.3R8 came out with the socket leak fix, I was ecstatic until I discovered the AuthHosts problem, so I installed 3.3.3R9 as soon as it was posted. Unfortunately, I now get exactly 1 logon (reproduced across servers of different manufacturers, though all NT4 SP6a-based) before the VNC Service or Executable, if running in App Mode, Dr. Watsons. I've tried this on servers doing a "clean" install (uninstall, delete folders, then reinstall) and installing over the previous version, with the same results. I've tried accessing the servers via a 3.3.3R2 VNCviewer, a 3.3.3R3 VNCviewer, and the WEB plug-in viewer with the same results. Anyone else having this problem? I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thanks. --------------------------------------------- Eben Sutton, Administrative Systems Architect Univ. of Idaho Finance and Administration [EMAIL PROTECTED] (208-885-5337) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------