One problem with BO2K is that virus checkers claim it as a virus.

At 06:35 PM 13/03/2001 +0100, Gustafsson, Bjorn wrote:
>Actually, I tried BO2k before I tried VNC, and no, VNC is much easier to
>BO2k gives you better control over some things (namely running processes),
>but VNC is better when it comes to desktop control :)
>    /Bjorn
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: den 13 mars 2001 18:17
>Subject: Re: FTP Server
>On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, James ''Wez'' Weatherall wrote:
> > > Consider the following scenario:
> > >
> > > A tech support worker, behind a corporate firewall, accesses a user's PC
> > > which is behind another corporate firewall.  These firewalls are pretty
> > > tight, and the only way the tech support worker has access to the user's
> > > machine is through a single, dedicated VNC port or tunnel set up
> > > semi-automatically via scripts running on the bastion hosts.
> >
> > If you're going to only have one protocol available through a firewall,
> > should make it SSH, not VNC.  VNC is not only too special-purpose to be
> > single protoccol available, it's also not any more secure than telnet, for
> > example and should therefore be tunnelled over SSH wherever possible.
>Hear, hear, I think if a VNC port is open through the firewall to the
>Internet someone should be very fired, tarred (not with the typical UN*X
>command), feathered, dragged across town, and exhibited for public
>Besides, there already is free software that gives one complete control
>over a Windows box.  I'm surprised I didn't mention it earlier, it's
>called BackOrifice.  I hear its very simple in use.  Here is a link to the
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