As I pointed out in a earlier message, X does support it, so Unix-to-Unix is
no problem.

Unfortunately, as Wez pointed out, it won't work cross-platform; when moving
between Winders and X, VNC does line end translations (Winders: CR LF v.s.
Unix LF). Presumably the Mac server/viewer does the same thing (line end on
Macs is CR).

Some form of "quoted-binary" might do, though, where every "line end" (CR,
LF or pair) is "quoted" so it can get sent cleanly (something like ESC
ESC->ESC, ESC 0->CR, ESC 1->LF, so there are *no* CRs or LFs in the data).

If we decide on a way of handling the "line end" in binary, I can put
together an X application to handle it.

According to Mac Reiter:
> To the users who only want a program (or pair of programs) rather than a
> protocol extension:
> Would a Visual Basic application be acceptable?  If no external controls
> are used, the only requirement for running the app would be MSVBVM60.dll,
> which is installed by any VB6 app.  The app itself would be very small,
> only a few kB.  I only ask about VB because it would make it MUCH simpler
> to throw together something with a file selection dialog and clipboard
> support.
> To VNC developers:
> What is the clipboard transfer in VNC capable of transferring?  The Windows
> clipboard can support text or data (binary) items, but I'm not sure what X
> Windows does.
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Grant McDorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sr. Software Design Consultant
Cedara Software Corp.  <URL:>
  (formerly I.S.G. Technologies Inc.)
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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