----- Original Message -----
From: "Mac Reiter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: FTP SOLUTION!

> At 11:04 AM 3/14/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >mac, as one who keeps arguing for a solution to the file
> >xfer problem, i don't believe netmeeting offers a decent
> >solution.  i believe it is using IRC to do the file xfer
> >if so it is infinitely easier to just set aol IM or yahoo
> >messenger or even icq.
> >
> >if it doesn't use IRC, then even with the inherent flaws,
> >would think ftp would still be a *better* (more direct)
> >solution....
> OK.  You don't want a program that already exists and does
everything you
> asked for.  Since it should be fairly obvious that the
people who currently
> do VNC development have no intention of adding this
support, the best
> course of action would be to develop the support yourself
and add it to the
> contributions page.

not at all.  i don't believe i've ever argued for the file
xfer to be incorporated into vnc.  i merely originally
raised the issue here because it seems to be a common
compaint and i'd love to find a secure workaround (meaning a
secure standalone file xfer method/program).

> Adding an FTP server is a non-trivial undertaking.  The
protocols are not
> simple.  And, I don't even think you really want FTP.  FTP
*requires* two
> connections to work, and I'm pretty sure one of the
reasons you want all
> this is to get video, control, and file transfer down a
single connection.

not me.

> You might also look at http://www.tridia.vnc  That site is
more actively
> engaged in support for the professional remote-control
industry.  As an
> example, they now have VNC remote control of the Linux
TEXT mode console.
> They have an active development team whose job/intent is
to modify and
> extend TridiaVNC.  By contrast, AT&T developers wrote VNC
as a useful
> internal tool.  They were kind enough to GPL it and
provide support when
> possible.  Asking them to develop an extensive
functionality that they have
> no use for is unreasonable.  TridiaVNC also has a mailing
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), which would be a much more
useful place to
> have this ongoing file xfer discussion.  You *could* even
> something from TridiaVNC, thus encouraging them to given
credence to your
> needs.
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