>there so many posts on this subject yesterday, this one was
>either lost in the shuffle or most likely ignored. i still
>think it has merit, so please pardon the reposting. i've
>edited out most of the verbiage and just left the question.
>but what about on the fly file xfers?
>1. i sometimes have the need to quickly xfer a set of files
>(which r too big to move w/email). is there an easy/safe
>way to do an on the fly xfer? running an ftp client is no
>big deal, but to setup a server for this occasional
>situation can be a pain (or it may be the case that you are
>not on your own machine). for one file, one can resort to
>(hold your breath) one of the IRC clients, but for a larger
>set, that's not practical.. it would be nice to have some
>simple program that each side can run to effectuate the
>that type of program doesn't need to be inside of VNC, but
>could use VNC to run it remotely from the client and when
>done the connection would close.
Your question wasn't ignored, at least not by one side of the argument.
The argument seems to be over whether VNC should cater at all for your
If you have a large set of files and you are happy with using IRC (or
rather, DCC) for small numbers of files, you might want to archive the
large set of files, using eg. ZIP tools. This will create a single large
file, which should be practical to transfer via DCC.
from: Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
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