: "Dries Feys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Objet : RE: "ethical" to hide the VNC logo ...
> I think it's more interesting to buy a good firewall to prevent pupils to
> surf to "forbidden" sites, rather than spy on them to see what wrong
> they MIGHT do.  I just read a few messages ago a proposition to hide the
> icon during off-line utilization (or to desactivate it's function), but
> once the client connects, to display on that particular moment the icon.
>  Another solution - is not applicable to schools - is to ask every user to
> startup vnc whenever he/she needs it.  That way they are certain nobody
> will ever look behind their shoulder.  Once the helpdesk finishes
> controlling the pc, the helpdesk kills VNC until the next use.
> > On some pc's (servers, my pc, ...) VNC is running all the time, and then
> it's an interesting point to see if somebody is connected...
In USA, people don't accept the censure in all forms .
It's quite good and a question of custom for each country.
The amaerican are right to be shocked by some methods of "spy".
In France the customs are different and people don't accept some political
site relating pro nazi, sectarism parties. They are prohibited by the law :
many strong sentences have been delivered for "dangerous" sites owners by
many justice courts.
It's why I feel that my mails are not well accepted in your country and I
understand it.
In USA all is authorized in  the words  (so in the internet sites) but NOT
in the facts.
In Europe we have a prevention system to avoid people to have bad ideas to
prevent bad acts.
so the intention can be condamned.
Furthermore, in a school (education) of minor people (less than 18 years)
the direction of the schools are very carefully about the bad intentions of
the young pupils ...
I hope you will now better understand this position and I'm sure that many
american schools allready too adopt some system to prevent eventually future
violence !
Thanks for your others ideas (firewall ..) :
the problem is not always to visit "some sites" but the destruction of the
system on the PC ...
So, the best solution - to not shocked my american friends- is to install
which is quite well and much securised than windows on each PC;
impossible to delete any files and to avoid VNC (as "spy") and install a
in replacement.
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