I think it's more interesting to buy a good firewall to prevent pupils to
surf to "forbidden" sites, rather than spy on them to see what wrong things
they MIGHT do. I just read a few messages ago a proposition to hide the
icon during off-line utilization (or to desactivate it's function), but
once the client connects, to display on that particular moment the icon.
Another solution - is not applicable to schools - is to ask every user to
startup vnc whenever he/she needs it. That way they are certain nobody
will ever look behind their shoulder. Once the helpdesk finishes
controlling the pc, the helpdesk kills VNC until the next use.
On some pc's (servers, my pc, ...) VNC is running all the time, and then
it's an interesting point to see if somebody is connected...
Dries Feys-Software Engineer
TVH forklift parts-Thermote & Vanhalst NV
Driemasten 120-126 -- B-8560 Gullegem-Belgium
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -URL: http://www.tvh.be
Tel: +32 (0)56 434745 -- Fax: +32 (0)56 434488
-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Holshouser [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: "ethical" to hide the VNC logo ...
Can't answer for the Brits, but we here in the U. S. of A. initiated a
minor disagreement with them 224 years ago over other "ethical stances"
of like nature. Where there is opportunity for misuse and/or corruption
by authority, it is assured that such misuse/corruption will be seized
and utilized. If an organization's personnel morale is so poor that
trust in them to do the right thing is abandoned, perhaps it's time to
look at reorganizing the institution. By the way, I for one would be
interested in knowing just what constitutes a "dangerous political site"
within an educational environment.
antoine wrote:
object : "ethical" for use of VNC
I completely agree with the position of many members of this list about
use of VNC that forbidden to "spy" anybody on a network, of course !
it's a look on private life as read a mail of somebody or have look to
neighborhood ...
But the problem is different and we have to replace it in its own reality
As I said clearly, It's a school where there is a network of PC to use
internet only for the pupils who are not authorized to create mails, or
write personal documents.
They are only authorized to visit with their teacher some sites for works
with their groups that's all ...!
But some pupils break the system, go to forbidden site (like XXX, or
political site and many others ..) and of course the school cannot accept
So in this particular case it's not "spy" to use VNC to have a look on
are doing the pupils.
Allready, since 2 weeks that the network is installed, we had a lot of
problems :
delete of system files, try to know the password, writing of insults on
It's not the objective of this network ...
VNC is the only way to stop these desagreements.
Last remark : in England, we read in the newpapers, that a new law has
voted by the British Government, authorizing the companies or
and even on private PC, to have a look on what doing the employees on
internet !
.... What answer the people in england about this "spy" ?
I hope now that my position about "to hide vnc logo" will have a better
See You !
Antoine Wachi
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