My two cents...
Spying on people is just wrong, period! I realize that in an
educational environment, especially K-12, Internet use is often
abused. However, spying on users would seem to be a huge waste
of time, not to mention ineffective. How about a good proxy
& firewall, or even better one of the many commercial products like
Basom's ICS, which is a "managed allow only" method instead of
trying to block offending URL's. Or worse spying.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel Holshouser [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 4:30 PM
> Subject: Re: "ethical" to hide the VNC logo ...
> Can't answer for the Brits, but we here in the U. S. of A. initiated a
> minor disagreement with them 224 years ago over other "ethical stances"
> of like nature. Where there is opportunity for misuse and/or corruption
> by authority, it is assured that such misuse/corruption will be seized
> and utilized. If an organization's personnel morale is so poor that
> trust in them to do the right thing is abandoned, perhaps it's time to
> look at reorganizing the institution. By the way, I for one would be
> interested in knowing just what constitutes a "dangerous political site"
> within an educational environment.
> antoine wrote:
> object : "ethical" for use of VNC
> I completely agree with the position of many members of this list about
> the
> use of VNC that forbidden to "spy" anybody on a network, of course !
> it's a look on private life as read a mail of somebody or have look to
> his
> neighborhood ...
> But the problem is different and we have to replace it in its own reality
> :
> As I said clearly, It's a school where there is a network of PC to use
> internet only for the pupils who are not authorized to create mails, or
> write personal documents.
> They are only authorized to visit with their teacher some sites for works
> with their groups that's all ...!
> But some pupils break the system, go to forbidden site (like XXX, or
> dangerous
> political site and many others ..) and of course the school cannot accept
> it.
> So in this particular case it's not "spy" to use VNC to have a look on
> what
> are doing the pupils.
> Allready, since 2 weeks that the network is installed, we had a lot of
> problems :
> delete of system files, try to know the password, writing of insults on
> teachers,
> It's not the objective of this network ...
> VNC is the only way to stop these desagreements.
> Last remark : in England, we read in the newpapers, that a new law has
> been
> voted by the British Government, authorizing the companies or
> administration
> and even on private PC, to have a look on what doing the employees on
> internet !
> .... What answer the people in england about this "spy" ?
> I hope now that my position about "to hide vnc logo" will have a better
> comprehension.
> See You !
> Antoine Wachi
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