The way I see it, this list is for anything concerning VNC, whether it be
the ethical considerations faced by installing a program that lets you
remotely access a computer, or the technical functionality of VNC.  It is
all to do with VNC and so to me seems perfectly relevant to this list.

I don't know where you get off thinking you can tell people what to post to
the list, I don't see anything saying "list admin" in your name, or "VNC
technical supervisor".  I haven't seen a single complaint from anybody of
"authority" (by authority I mean a list admin or moderator) compalining
about "These *ethical* and *hypothetical* posts" that you only seem to think
have no place on this list.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Mullen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 5:55 PM
Subject: RE: how to hide the VNC logo ?

> These *ethical* and *hypothetical* posts have no place on this technically
> oriented list. If your question/post has nothing to do with the CURRENT
> FUNCTIONALITY of VNC, please refrain from posting.
> Thank You.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David W. Chapman Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 11:47 PM
> Subject: Re: how to hide the VNC logo ?
> Then do you feel that system administrators are not allowed to check users
> email at the request of management?  I would not like being spied on, but
> what you do at work is the property of the business and as you said if you
> don't like their policy just quit.  Just having that policy alone usually
> keeps people on task knowing that someone could be watching what they are
> doing.
> > I would not work for a company that deemed that sort of thing
> > acceptable,
> > and I would quit if I found my work was being surreptitiously spied
> > upon.
> > I suspect most people feel the same (though some might not have the
> > luxury of being able to quit in protest). I can certainly see why the
> > AT&T
> > developers would not want to be seen as supporting this kind of
> > activity.
> >
> It is political, but it shouldn't be.  This isn't something that someone
> the IS department should have to decide over, but management.
> > (Hmm, it seems software -is- political. Damn.)
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