
I was trying to stay out of this. 

Couple of points, 

1) Software is political, please see 

2) The divorce of technology and ethics is a de-facto
   *bad thing*. 

Please read The Existential Pleasures of Engineering, 
Samuel C. Florman, ISBN 0-312-14104-1

also Blaming Technology by the same author.

Mr Chapman has some very good points.
I have quit employ over issues such as this
in the past, and would again.

As to the aspect of sysadmins "reading" email, 
couple of more things.

Your company controller probably knows more about
most of your co-workers financials than do their
spouses or immediate familily. Does that mean they
are spying? Does what they know make for suitable
cocktail party chatter? No and no. 

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Mullen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 5:55 PM
> Subject: RE: how to hide the VNC logo ?
> > These *ethical* and *hypothetical* posts have no place on this technically
> > oriented list. If your question/post has nothing to do with the CURRENT
> > FUNCTIONALITY of VNC, please refrain from posting.
> >
> > Thank You.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David W. Chapman Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 11:47 PM
> > Subject: Re: how to hide the VNC logo ?
> >
> >
> > Then do you feel that system administrators are not allowed to check users
> > email at the request of management?  I would not like being spied on, but
> > what you do at work is the property of the business and as you said if you
> > don't like their policy just quit.  Just having that policy alone usually
> > keeps people on task knowing that someone could be watching what they are
> > doing.
> >
> > > I would not work for a company that deemed that sort of thing
> > > acceptable,
> > > and I would quit if I found my work was being surreptitiously spied
> > > upon.
> > > I suspect most people feel the same (though some might not have the
> > > luxury of being able to quit in protest). I can certainly see why the
> > > AT&T
> > > developers would not want to be seen as supporting this kind of
> > > activity.
> > >
> >
> > It is political, but it shouldn't be.  This isn't something that someone
> in
> > the IS department should have to decide over, but management.
> >
> > > (Hmm, it seems software -is- political. Damn.)
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