I'd like to announce the availability of VNCDimension 0.7.0 for Apple's Mac OS
X Public Beta. You can get it at http://www.mdimension.com/Community. Yes,
there seems to be quite a few VNC clients for Mac OS X Public Beta now. There
weren't when I started. :-) VNCDimension is different because it is written to
Apple's Cocoa API's and supports the new NSDocument architecture for multiple
simultaneous VNC sessions. Each session has its own thread(s). All standard
encodings are currently supported. VNCDimension also uses very little CPU time
for decent performance in comparison to other VNC clients for Mac OS X.

Here are the release notes for 0.7.0 (changes from 0.5.3):

* Implemented hextile encoding
* Experimental support for full screen mode
* Even more performance and responsiveness tuning
* Does not send mouse movements while downloading frame buffer updates. This
helps slow connections. I may give an option to turn this back on when I
implement a preferences panel.
* First attempt at reconnecting an aborted connection

I'll be looking to release source code around the 0.9.0 timeframe. Currently,
I'm experimenting with better multi-processor support and looking into adding
Tight encoding. There are also a bunch of smaller things to tackle before it
becomes 1.0 (localization, session preferences editing, etc.) Of course, we're
all waiting for Apple to polish things up on their side.

I'm also interested in pitching in and helping with a VNC server application
for Mac OS X. For those interested, take a look at

..Bill Chin
M Dimension Technology
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