I resolved my problem with both Nvidia GPU. Use Q35 instead of i440fx
helped me. :D

2016-10-08 15:16 GMT+02:00 Berillions <berilli...@gmail.com>:

> I don't understand what could eats the RAM of the host because i have 32GB
> Memory RAM. I have 16GB for the Host and 16GB (with Hugepages) for the
> Guest. My Windows_10.img is in an Ext2 partition.
> I try actually to use the IGD (Intel graphic card) to the Host and the
> GTX970 to the Guest and i have no problems. How is it possible to have
> conflict between both Nvidia card.
> I have only two solutions :
> 1- Use both Nvidia cards but only 2GB Memory RAM in virt-manager and i
> don't know if with 10GB of Memory swap in Win10 is enough to play at AAA
> games
> 2- Use IGD for Linux and the Nvidia for the Host.
> 2016-10-08 14:36 GMT+02:00 Bronek Kozicki <b...@spamcop.net>:
>> Perhaps you have something eating into RAM of the host. I had my host
>> freezing when I forgot to limit memory utilization in the ZFS. It does not
>> matter what eats into your host RAM - since qemu is just a regular
>> userspace process, it's memory needs (ie those of the guest system) are not
>> "prioritized" as more essential than any other userspace process. If your
>> host does not have enough memory, then the more you allocate in qemu (or
>> libvirt) to the guest system, the more probability that qemu will run out
>> of RAM, effectively freezing the guest OS. At least, this is what it would
>> appear to be (it might be simply swapping, but that slows down guest
>> execution speed by orders of magnitude, so it is effectively frozen)
>> B.
>> *From: *Berillions
>> *Sent: *Friday, 7 October 2016 20:00
>> *To: *Jayme Howard
>> *Cc: *mar...@schrodt.org; vfio-users
>> *Subject: *Re: [vfio-users] Win10 Guest, stability is horrible and
>> freeze quickly
>> Very very very things. If i set more than 2GB Memory Ram in Virt-Manager
>> for the Guest, i have artefacts and freeze. If I set 2GB like actually, the
>> guest works perfectly.
>> So i don't know if it will be good for gaming even if i set Windows swap
>> to 10GB ...
>> 2016-10-07 19:43 GMT+02:00 Jayme Howard <g.pr...@gmail.com>:
>>> Put the 960 into the one that goes 4x if you're that worried about it,
>>> but it shouldn't be a huge deal.  I don't know if the 960 can even saturate
>>> a 4x.  It might be able to, but since it's a lower performance card anyway,
>>> it shouldn't really matter.
>>> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Berillions <berilli...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have two PCI-E 3.0 16x slot,
>>>> The first with the 960 and the second for the 970. if the second slot
>>>> is used, his bandwidth will not be 16x but 4x.
>>>> The others slots are only PCI-E 3.0 1x ...
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