Very very very things. If i set more than 2GB Memory Ram in Virt-Manager
for the Guest, i have artefacts and freeze. If I set 2GB like actually, the
guest works perfectly.

So i don't know if it will be good for gaming even if i set Windows swap to
10GB ...

2016-10-07 19:43 GMT+02:00 Jayme Howard <>:

> Put the 960 into the one that goes 4x if you're that worried about it, but
> it shouldn't be a huge deal.  I don't know if the 960 can even saturate a
> 4x.  It might be able to, but since it's a lower performance card anyway,
> it shouldn't really matter.
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Berillions <> wrote:
>> I have two PCI-E 3.0 16x slot,
>> The first with the 960 and the second for the 970. if the second slot is
>> used, his bandwidth will not be 16x but 4x.
>> The others slots are only PCI-E 3.0 1x ...
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