Hello everyone.

Unfortunate and unneeded intro (skip this if ur in a hurry):

I had just got a vt-d cpu (i7 3770) and a 32gb ram kit to start working,
when I realized that my asrock z77 cpu socket has several dreadfully bent
pins on the corner that prevent the extra ram from working. I learnt there
have been many people experiencing this problem on this particular board.
Anyway I can either cut to 16gb or get a new mobo.

Important part:

If i decide to replace the mobo, which one would you reccommend as giving
the least problems for devices passthrough?

Aside from those supporting the high end CPUs like xeon e5 which im not
planning to buy.
Preferably i'd stay with the i7 3770 ive just got, though i could send it
back within 30 days, if necessary.

Thanks, Looking forward to read your responses.
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