I'd like to virtualize my desktop so that Linux machine I use day-to-day is
running as a VM on a minimally configured Linux host.

The idea is to allow me to run a couple other virtual machines along side
my desktop without them getting in each other's way. This way I would be
able to do things such as upgrade the kernel on my desktop without
disturbing the VM acting as my primary firewall and router[1], or the VM
which hosts a number of containers running various personal services.[2]
While I've read quite a bit about KVM, QEMU, PCI passthrough, and vfio I
wanted to make sure that what I'm planning isn't doomed to fail for some
reason which I've overlooked. My two primary concerns are that as of now I
lack a discrete GPU and that my Ivy Bridge CPU (i5-3570) clearly lacks ACS.

If necessary I suppose could hold this off until I get myself a suitable
PCIe GPU, though, I'd prefer not to. I don't use the system for gaming of
any sort and while I'd like to have the option of doing some 3D work in the
future it's not an immediate concern of mine for this system. The CPU is
more of a sticking point, there's little chance of it being upgraded in the
foreseeable future and most certainly not to what Intel refers to as a
"high end" processor. If you scroll down you'll find a list of the hardware
in my machine currently.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this plan of mine. I have years of
experience with Linux but PCI passthrough is new territory for me.



[1] I'm upgrading
​to ​
a symmetric gigabit FTTH connection in the near future and I
​don't expect
 my OpenWRT wifi router with its puny 560 MHz MIPS processor
​will be able​
 to keep up. So, for the time being,
VyOS in a VM my workstation is my best option.

[2] One of these days I hope to have enough space for proper hardware to
run all these things on, until that day, I'm hoping VMs will suffice.

Item Manufacturer Model Notes
CPU Intel i5-3570 4×3.4 GHz, VT-x, VT-d, EPT
Motherboard Intel DQ77MK Q77, vPro, VT-d, dual 1 Gb/s Ethernet
Memory G.Skill 32 GB (4×8 GB) DDR3 1600 MHz
SSD Samsung 850 Pro, 256 GB GPT partitioned with a small FAT boot part and
a large Btrfs filesystem
Storage various various 4×3 TB SATA v3.0, operating as single multi device
Btrfs filesystem
NIC Intel 82579LM 1 Gb/s, integrated, AMT 8.0 support
NIC Intel 82574L 1 Gb/s, integrated
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