On 2016-01-21 12:32 PM, Eric Griffith wrote:
On Jan 17, 2016 16:10, "Stewart Adam" <maill...@diffingo.com
<mailto:maill...@diffingo.com>> wrote:
> On 2016-01-17 1:27 PM, Eric Griffith wrote:
>> On Jan 17, 2016 13:15, "Stewart Adam" <maill...@diffingo.com
>> <mailto:maill...@diffingo.com <mailto:maill...@diffingo.com>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > On 2016-01-07 11:30 AM, Eric Griffith wrote:
>> >>
>> >> My problem is.. The Win7 (and Win8.1) guests are perfectly fine and
>> >> until I try to install the amd crimson drivers. Then Windows BSODs,
>> >> about an unhandled exception. If I unpack the install and install things
>> >> piecemeal, then I can install the HDMI audio driver, and everything else
>> >> okay...except for the display driver. Installing the display driver
>> >> the BSOD.
>> >
>> > How are you booting the guest (e.g. manually executing QEMU, or manually
>> created libvirt XML or virt-manager+libvirt)?
>> >
>> Virt-manager+libvirt
>> > I had a very similar symptom on my guest, in the end it was the guest's
>> machine flag "vmport=off" that virt-manager had added that resulted in the
>> hang/BSOD upon installation of the driver.
>> I tried removing the vmport=off flag but still BSOD'ed :(
>> > After attempting a driver install, does the guest boot correctly but hang
>> when attempting to show the login screen (i.e. when the 3D driver
>> Sometimes yes, other times itd just do the boot as if I had never tried to
>> install the driver.
> Sounds like the same issue I was experiencing... Have you also added a
ioh3420 device edited your configuration so that the GPU is attached to it
instead the default PCI/PCIE buses? If you're not sure, please attach the
output of "virsh dumpxml your-vm-name".
I did not do that, I just passed through the card and the card's audio. Are
there any available instructions on how to do so?
Also I appreciate the pointer, Stewart :)
Sorry for the delay - here are those instructions:
You'll want to execute 'virsh edit domname' as root to edit your domain's
config file, and then add this XML after the 'pci-bridge' controller block:
<controller type='pci' index='3' model='pcie-root-port'>
<model name='ioh3420'/>
<target chassis='1' port='0x1'/>
<alias name='pci.3'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x1c'
function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
Then scroll down to the <hostdev> block for your GPU, and alter it to use
the controller (bus 3) we just created:
<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
<driver name='vfio'/>
<address domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
<alias name='hostdev0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x03' slot='0x00'
function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
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